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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Are you happy with MW2?


Are you happy with MW2?

Yep 62 44.29%
No 78 55.71%

Campaign was decent. Nothing special. I don't particularly care for the spawns that they used in it.

Multiplayer has numerous issues. Balance being the main one, and spawns being the next. But it is fun chaos when playing with a group of friends. Not sure it has longevity for me. It is much like playing a poorly designed mod for a better game.

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FKNetwork said:
I am more than happy with it, I think its an amazing game, yes there are a few annoying things about it but it is now easily my favourite online game and I play it everyday for a few hours without fail and have done since it was released!

I don't get the sh*t this game is getting from some people but then again you can't please everyone, the sales and reviews speak for themself!

this post is pretty much what I think!!!!!

I guess I'm not disappointed, but I'm also not impressed. I haven't tried multiplayer, minus Spec Ops. I love spec ops though, I think it's fun, especially the sniper/stealth/snow missions. I'm almost done SP and it's fun, I like the immersive factor of the game, the visual effects are beautiful. But from what I've read and gathered, SP is short, and I'd have liked another co-op mode/campaign feature. Spec ops is great, but it could have been so much better. I guess if I was into traditional shooters more, I'd like the game more, I think it's mostly average though.

treyarch are the ones thats will move the series forward even though they are always stuck in the past.
MW2 in my opinion was them saying "lets not even care to try and balance a god damn thing". and whats up with having worse match making than W@W?



For me Infinity Ward's forumla works. They may not be the most innovative on the market, but they tell a great story, give you intensive gameplay on the verteran level, and the addition of Special Ops added another feature that keeps the game going even if you don't play a tonne of multi-player.

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Glitches and balance issues aside, the game can be a hell of a lot of fun when playing with your friends.

I have not played Special Ops at all, and only played a small portion of the campaign, and I'm still happy with my purchase.

No the level cap and xp sucks, it take too long to go prestiege.




Yup very happy, second best fps next to halo, IMHO.

Not really. The multiplayer is full of campers and glitches and the single player is short too.

Happy, except for the insane amount of nuke boasting and it seems to me to have more camping than COD 4 or 5. I camp all the time myself, but it gets boring fast when half or more of the players are camping. This drove me away from the game until the 1st map pack come out. Oh and where the fuck is the coop. So maybe I'm only mildly happy!!!