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Forums - General Discussion - Possibly the best ownage in history (well worth the watch)

Zom said:

Dunno about it being fake but its certainly plausible. Search for some videos of a show from Britain called Top Gear and the trip they had to Alabama its seriously embarrassing for this country.

Edit : Found a clip I live in the south too Texas to be more specific but its crap like this that gets us our lovely reputation heh.



Quite possibly the dumbest video ever. Seriously, they showed someone getting mad at the writing and then a camera being wobbled around a bunch. What a bunch of drama queens.

Not too mention I would love to see how it would go over if you were to drive a car with the slogan "Soccer is for pussies" in front of a pub in any one of the countries that adore football as you folks call it. I bet something similar would happen. If you go looking to start shit and you try hard will find it.

But the video didn't show anything. If they had shown at least one person confronting them they would have had some credability. As it was they showed the chick and most of what she said was inaudible and the rest of it we were supposed to take their word for it and I find that hard to do when they are saying they are "running for the border" in Alabama.

So which border were they crossing? Certainly wasn't a national border, but as they could definitely cross the border into one of 4 states all of which are also big on NASCAR.

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tarheel91 said:

The things you're describing have nothing to do with being a redneck. My issue is that he insinuates that all rednecks are like this because these guys do this. Thus, he is saying that I am a jerk like that when I am not. I fail to see how I should not take offense to this.

I think the word "redneck" means different things to different people.  To me, a redneck is not someone who lives in the South or has an accent or drives a truck, it's someone who has those characteristics AND behaves like the guys in that video.

Look at the defintions.  Originally it referred to uneducated white laborers in the South, now it refers to prejudiced, racist, conservative, religious bigots.