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Forums - Sony Discussion - Heavy Rain Probably Won't be a Success says Pachter

Patcher is cool. He's funny too. There's far too much hate against him.

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Heavy rain is going to be one of the most important games this generation...i wish it could sell over 5 millions but its difficult.when opinion like this exists then will sell bravely over 1 million.yeah this game isnt for everyone so you re right mister.a kid that spend all his day on Halo 4412 and CoD 4323 nuc war will never appriciate this.THIS IS MY GAME AND NO ONE CAN RUIN IT...

"Release Greece From Chains"

Heavy Rain will sell a lot of copies... for Game stop in their used section.

Why is it that websites turn every comment Pachter makes on the Bonus Round into a news article?

Its pretty much like some of my music,Tv series,books, that almost no1 else has ever heard and I eventually make them at least check them and they love it.Then they tell their friends about it...And so on.
Just like when you buy something from store, you say to your friends "They are great" or "They suck", and suddenly store either lose 100+ customers, or get new 100+ customers.

Sure, if some Fps game gets 90+ metacritic, it will sell. But people are doupting Heavy rain, because its so unique.So demo is needed for mass market. For people like me, no.



Take my love, take my land..

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While I am not a fan of Pachter, I think he is on the money with this. Then again, it is a pretty easy prediction to make. I still think it should do 2 mil LTD at least anyway as long as it isn't discontinued after a year or so.

"Man is born free but is everywhere in chains" - Rousseau

--OkeyDokey-- said:
Leave Pachter alone!

No, I'm being serious. Why does everyone have to say such mean things about him all the time?

Maybe cause he makes $250,000 a year and makes bad predictions all of the time. I wish I could make that much money for being wrong.

That being said, he's probably right about Heavy Rain.

Which is cooler, hating Pachter, Halo or CoD right now? I wanna be hip like everyone else.

OT: I agree with him, and it kills me. This is a day one purchase for me, because it's important to support projects like this for the industry to grow and I love horror/thriller games. But I see

the sales of this game are up to sony, he is telling the truth... heavy rain is a niche game but i hope it does well

CGI-Quality said:
CommonMan said:
Which is cooler, hating Pachter, Halo or CoD right now? I wanna be hip like everyone else.

OT: I agree with him, and it kills me. This is a day one purchase for me, because it's important to support projects like this for the industry to grow and I love horror/thriller games. But I see <100,000 first week and maybe 600-700k lifetime. Me sad.

The game is already half way there on preorders in America alone, the place where it is expected to sell even less than Europe. It will have a least 200,000 opening, but IMO even higher: 300,000.

Oh, guess I should have checked that first LOL! Okay, but I think my LTD estimates are pretty good. It COULD get closer to a million if it's awesome and people like you and I tell everyone we see about it.