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stof said: No, bigotry ain't cool. I decided to make it a post instead of a private message because this way everybody else sees that bigotry ain't cool. and yes, the word asshole, which is just a body part, is totally different from an insulting word for homosexual. Do you really have trouble understanding that?
I can call somebody an asshole? How is that cool?

Predicting the Future - 360 Will get to 11 Million in the USA this year!!

Predicting the Future - Wii will NOT win this gen in America!!

Prediciting the Future - The PS3 will pass the Wii by 2009!!

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It's like being racist towards homosexuals. Asshole, dick face, wanker would be more acceptable I think. Personally I don't understand why we should hold our tongues on anything like this because if people take offence to it they are just way over-sensitive.

OriGin said: It's like being racist towards homosexuals. Asshole, dick face, wanker would be more acceptable I think. Personally I don't understand why we should hold our tongues on anything like this because if people take offence to it they are just way over-sensitive.
Dude, your saying that it's ok to harass homosexuals and that if they take offence then there over-sensitive..

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


I hardly think he is harassing homosexuals, if it was intentionally directed at a homosexual, fair enough, but he was just using a WORD to vent his frustration...... Maybe everybody needs to go have a fag and settle down

Honestly, I'm offended because he's basically shouting in the forums with all caps and exclamation points, and really isn't contributing to intelligent discussion at all. I think PS360N64PSXBOX needs to take a chill pill and watch the derogatory language. I agree with stof that fag is offensive. It doesn't matter that he was just using a WORD to vent his frustration...the fact is the word itself is offensive when used like that. It doesn't bother me that much, but it could very well bother many people. PS360N64PSXBOX and others, just think about what you're saying before you post. We're not going to ban anyone for a slip of the tongue, but we're counting on you to keep these forums a welcome place for everyone...that means no derogatory terms about other people.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

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Ermls... Could we talk about the GTA trailer again??

shams said: Look, GTA3 was ground breaking when it came out. First huge, sandbox game, cars, violence, story, etc. The challenge for GTA4 is to add new gameplay to the same formula. Im sure the more intense and realistic graphics will suck people in - but it does stand a chance of "just being the same game". It all comes down to what Rockstar are aiming for with this.
I Personally think that the real ground breaking GTA was Grand Theft Auto (aka GTA 1) which actually was the first sandbox game with cars, violence story etc.... I was obsessed with GTA 1 when it came out on the PC (Yeah right, GTA was originally not a PSX game, although alot of people believe that today). It was a revolution, a total new way of playing games. The only real change that GTA 3 brought us was 3d. (although I admit that this was a major change) Since then I'm only getting more and more bored by any new GTA. I don't think GTA IV will bring us any major change in gameplay. It will just look alot better which is fine for playing the game 5-10 hours but after that... I mean it's always the same scheme: Get Quest, Kill X, Steal car Y, obtain Object Z... Honestly, I would really love it when Rockstar would bring us some real improvements, but I doubt it.

It just looks like improved graphics to me, same ole game though. Maybe that will change when more info is released.




the game is set in new york city but unlike liberty city there is goin to be a times square and other things replicating new york city like the empire state building and stuff

The city does look breath taking, but the one thing they could have shown that I want to see, is more indoor environments. Seriously everyone wants bigger and bigger sand-box style worlds yet the bigger the world the more shallow it becomes. Personally I love shenmue, if you play shenmue 2 when you go to hong kong you can practically do anything. Go to all the stores look at all the merchanise, buy things, work at places play little gambling games on the side streets, it had working vending machines, it was far smaller in scale them some of these other titles but the world was so rich with activity that it didn't matter. this games looks gorgoues, but so did Just Cause and after 4 hours of that games I was board of the repetitive nature of the game. Seriously Godfather upped the ante on sandbox games, there are tons of indoor environments, police bribes, extortion of store, while you can trash anything in any store as well. You can setup a car bomb and leave it in front of another mobs location. Seriously there is a ton of stuff in that game you can get sidetracked with doing, so I think GTA needs to bring that to the table. Although I'm starting to think it'll be a game with a great story, entertaining radio stations, and amazintg graphics. They'll most likely be a few new additions to gameplay, but either way if that's what it brings it'll still be huge, I just hope the critics take the time to get down on Rockstar for that. This franchise is so huge there is no reason for it to be second to other sand-box games. And with Crackdown, Saint's Row, Godfather and such bringing to the table some great new elements GTA has alot to prove.

Great article on the GTA 4 Trailer called "Ten things you didn't see" Favorite part of the article - At the beginning of the video you can see that the driver of the blue sports car is adjusting his rear-view mirror - a very nice touch indeed that we would never have seen working on the PS2. The pedestrians on the streets also have fully-modelled faces and carry groceries and books, which certainly adds a more realistic vibe to surroundings that the aimlessly-walking residents in GTA III.

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)