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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan PRE-ORDER Chartz Thread - Will Be Updated Daily!


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Impressive indeed. It might catch Pokemon White depending on today's numbers.

Wow at Dragon Quest and Pokemon. This games will be huge as always in japan. Nice to see Disgea for Vita jumping a little bit.

Pokemon at a whopping 1300 points with still a month to go.. VERY impressive

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No change in time for release?

Crazy bump for DQM

Dragon Quest Monsters is doing some really good numbers right now - could it have a 500k opening week?

And Black / White 2 are doing rather poor compared to their predecessors. Hopefully there'll be some sort of push over the next weeks.

benao87 said:
No change in time for release?

Crazy bump for DQM

The number of days left is automatically updated based on the date I update the chart and so since I made the other chart at 1:00 AM today it's the same number.

DQM is a beast. DQ is as strong as usual so I really hope DQX does great.


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NNid: Menx064