bmmb1 said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
A lot of those games suck so it's not completely PS3's fault they flopped. On the other hand, Demon's Souls will be a million seller which is amazing really. ToG and ToV are the best selling Tales of games in Japan this gen. (including handhelds). And Valkyria Chronicles sold much better than its PSP sequels.
All in all, your argument fails.
So on the one hand, "a lot of those games suck", but on the other hand, the fact that Graces had a game killing bug should be ignored.
Since so far no recent Tales games have made it out of Japan, you need to look at Japan numbers only (which was Pavolink's point), not WW numbers, so saying that Demon's Soul numbers are amazing is wrong.
Regarding "PS3 still has 5 years" while handhelds are soon to change generation, doesn't matter in any way since jrpgs are very much front loaded, especially in Japan.
IF there is a lesson to be learned it is that JRPGs should either be on one of the handhelds (where they would sell much more, not to mention development costs would be much lower) or should be multiplatform Wii and PS3. That is the true lesson. Despite a game kiling bug on the Wii version and their respective publishing timing, Graces versions together have sold 530k in Japan only.
Even a Tales games on the 360 outsold a Tales game on the Wii despite it solding better in Japan.
Also, saying that a Tales game should be on handhelds is nonsense and shows you don't know much about the series.
The fanbase is on consoles and especially on the PS3.
The best-selling Tales game this gen is on the PS3 and it's a one year port of a game that was available on the 360.
Even Tales of Graces F is going to outsell all handhelds Tales games.
As for the "game killing bug", this argument is really random as a "game killing bug" wasn't reported by reviewers and thus didn't influence first week sales. Yes the game would have had better legs but legs are mostly inexistant in Japan anyway. Also, it's important to note that Tales of Graces was reviewed as the best Tales game ever when it came out. That definitely boosted sales.