Comgnet 1/22
DQ6- 816 (+5)
EOE- 206 (+4)
AT3- 141 (+2)
God Eater - 341 (+15)
The daily increase for Dragon Quest 6 is relatively underwhelming, I mean we were seeing it do +20, +15, +30 even all the time & now its down to +5. But the pre-orders are so high it hardly matters, the game will be a huge hit regardless.
End Of Eternity (Resonance Of Fate) continues to do well, it only has 5 more days to gather as many pre-orders as possible before it launches. It should be over 100K (just).
Ar Tonelice 3 once again is performing like we have expected it to, not amazing but enough for what it is.
They have begun to do daily updates for God Eater (PSP) today. For those of you who don't know God Eater is a monster hunter type game with a style similar to that of the persona games, an intriguing combination that has obviously caught the imagination of the market as its pre-orders are fantastic for a new IP. It releases on 4th of February so it still has lots of time to gather more pre-orders, I think we can safely say it will have a week 1 of over 200K.
A Few Misc. Updates:
End Of Eternity (Xbox 360) is at 36 pts
Star Ocean IV for PS3 is at 52 pts
The Last Rebellion (PS3) that is also launching on the 28th Of January is not in the top 20.
- [NDS] Dragon Quest 6 Realms of Reverie - 816pt~~~ (1/28/2010)
- [PSP] God Eater - 341pt~~~ (2/4/2010)
- [PS3] End of Eternity - 206pt~~~ (1/28/2010)
- [PS3] Ar Tonelico 3 - 141pt~~~ (1/28/2010)
- [PS3] Yakuza 4 - 121Pt~~~ (2/18/2010)
- [PS3] Gran Turismo 5 - 77Pt~~~ (TBA)
- [PS3] Final Fantasy Versus XIII - 71pt~~~ (TBA)
- [PSP] Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - 59pt~~~ (3/18/2010)
- [PS3] Resident Evil 5 Alternative Edition - 57pt~~~ (2/18/2010)
- [PS3] Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope International Edition - 52Pt~~~ (2/4/2010)