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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan PRE-ORDER Chartz Thread - Will Be Updated Daily!

@Lostplanet22 It's a life simulation game.

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Did someone else noticed how Tomodachi is always doubling LM2 points?

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Meret said:
@Lostplanet22 It's a life simulation game.

a graphically crappy sims with miis.. *FIXED*


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I really cant believe that japan is preordering that Tomodachi game. It looked like pure shit. Sorry i definitely cant find any other words to descripe that game. Holy shit- the japanase are all sick in the head.

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SunofKratos said:

I really cant believe that japan is preordering that Tomodachi game. It looked like pure shit. Sorry i definitely cant find any other words to descripe that game. Holy shit- the japanase are all sick in the head.

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Oh pfew!, I though you were describing the game with those such awful words, good thing you are only descriping it, whatever that means :)


Now, well, the game is not really my cup of tea, as Animal Crossing. But, I do find them better that the dating sims, I mean some of those are really f***d up.

SunofKratos said:

I really cant believe that japan is preordering that Tomodachi game. It looked like pure shit. Sorry i definitely cant find any other words to descripe that game. Holy shit- the japanase are all sick in the head.

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You were asking for it. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

I think the game looks funky. I like the voices but I'm thinking it might get annoying long term lol

I think I'd rather play it than Animal Crossing.

SunofKratos said:

I really cant believe that japan is preordering that Tomodachi game. It looked like pure shit. Sorry i definitely cant find any other words to descripe that game. Holy shit- the japanase are all sick in the head.

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