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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What upcoming games do you secretly hope to fail (flop)?

COD7 - after how dissapointing MW2 was i hope they flop
Halo Reach - never was a fan of Halo i dunno why its so special




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SaviorX said:
Alan Wake - it has become a game that is the victim of being merely a List war padding.

Heavy Rain- supposedly a narrative Godsend and graphical achievement...we'll see
Any game made by Sega/Capcom on the HD consoles (except a Valkyria Chronicles or something) just for the priniciple and lesson learning

Any game made by Zoo Games on the Wii because the last 25 all sucked.
Splinter Cell Conviction because people expect too much from Splinter Cell

Aragorns Kid Quest or whatever its called because it insults the great LOTR Gamecube games.

What a bitch..jks :)

heavy rain + alan wake should be on a contrasting thread.

COD7 i just believe the series is being milked and will soon start to bore gamers

no idea how to make this properly work

Heavy Rain it seems that is more like a movie than a game, and that is not what i want from games. If i want to watch a movie i'll watch a movie

HALO Reach because it hate HALO

Bayonetta cause they didn't have enough respect for the people who owns PS3

COD7 and any other FPS cause i am getting tired of the overhyping of these games

WoW Cataclysm cause it ruined a friends of mine

Wii shovelware enough already

god of war 3 (it can't outsell zelda wii)
gt5 (for strange reasons)
ffversus13 ( it feels overmilked)
sony wand / natal: to see the faces of the people that claimed the wii was doomed

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Final Fantasy 13

FFXIII so that they can go back to the old days and make them more like FF4-FF9

Screw the western market appeal

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

Halo Reach, halo always was overhyped.

Favourite Games:

PS: Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy VII. PS2: Resident Evil 4, Shadow Hearts Covenant, Final Fantasy X, Silent Hill 4, Soul Calibur III. PS3: Metal Gear Solid 4, Heavy Rain, Valkyria Chronicles, Uncharted 2, Mototstorm PR, God of War III, Modern Warfare 2. Xbox: Suteki, Fatal Frame II DC, Jade Empire. 360: Dead Rising, Lost Odyssey, Dead or Alive 4.

melbye said:
Heavy Rain it seems that is more like a movie than a game, and that is not what i want from games. If i want to watch a movie i'll watch a movie

HALO Reach because it hate HALO

Bayonetta cause they didn't have enough respect for the people who owns PS3

COD7 and any other FPS cause i am getting tired of the overhyping of these games

WoW Cataclysm cause it ruined a friends of mine

Wii shovelware enough already

Do you really want to watch a movie that lasts at least 10 hours? I don't think so, it would be boring, but the fact that you play the movie makes it interesting! A bit like MGS4 but there you don't play the movie but you only watch movies, indeed i think MGS4 would be boring without playing.

Favourite Games:

PS: Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy VII. PS2: Resident Evil 4, Shadow Hearts Covenant, Final Fantasy X, Silent Hill 4, Soul Calibur III. PS3: Metal Gear Solid 4, Heavy Rain, Valkyria Chronicles, Uncharted 2, Mototstorm PR, God of War III, Modern Warfare 2. Xbox: Suteki, Fatal Frame II DC, Jade Empire. 360: Dead Rising, Lost Odyssey, Dead or Alive 4.

Did somebody seriously said they want The Last Guardian to fail?

This thread is fucking ridiculous. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

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