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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What console would you want besides the one you own?

I already have all the consoles that I want to have. So I would have to say none.
I would not mind a DSi handheld/portable gaming device though, but it is a handheld/portable gaming machine and not a console so you can disregard that.

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I want to try Phat PS3, PSP 3000, Black Wii and DSi at some point, but mainly PSP. Which I still can't get around to buying ;-;




Just waiting for that PS Vita to come out so I can play some full featured games on the go with that beautiful screen and control scheme...

PS3 or DS. I'll maybe/probably buy a DS once the new Golden Sun comes out.

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Why does everyone keep saying the DS. The DS is not a console gaming system. It is a portable/handheld gaming system. Jeeze

Well I own 360, PS3, DSL and just about gaming quality PC. So obviously I would want another 360 just incase the one I have craps out (I do think the DVD drive is going).

I not keen on the Wii games library but I would like the supreme ability it has to draw in non gamers to give it ago, just to play more with my friends and family who will not touch the PS3 or 360 with a barge poll.

Need me a PS3

Should have one in the next six weeks

Raistline said:
Why does everyone keep saying the DS. The DS is not a console gaming system. It is a portable/handheld gaming system. Jeeze

Ever read the PSP manual? its called a handheld console gaming system..I just figured that out a while ago lol.  So i guess to be more correctly specific you either have "HOME console gaming system" or "HANDHELD console gaming system"

OP:  I have all but a i guess a 360?

A PS3 and later a 360. Mainly because of the awsome hack and slash games like Ninja Gaiden Sigma, God of war, Heavenly Sword etc. Also for the blu ray, but first I got to get an HDTV (saving up is taking too long but I got to suck it up).