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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Official White Knight Chronicles: International Edition Thread!

darthdevidem01 said:
Xxain said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Xxain said:
okay... I just left Baccea( the little town in Frass canyon) on my way to thamous rock how much longer till the end?... takin alittle lunch break, btw this game is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to predictable.


The kara is the black knight plot twist surprised me & made me like the game even

{highlight the above spoiler to view it}


ermm you are closer to the can DEFINETELY finish it by tuesday though.

yea.... I knew that was just a trick to confuse or make the player second guess. heres wat i think... SPOILERRRRRRSSSSS:#> Eldore is Mediuos and he OR his son is actually the black knight. and hoe close goin by ur previous answer... I should have to more areas including the last. I MUST beat this because when FFXlll and RoF gets here I wont play this for looooong time. I got SO4 finally but I dont plan to start it till after I beat at least one of the 2. gtw Grazel looks to much like sephiroth

I won't say if your wrong or not. There are a few more plot twists coming up

Yeah Grazel is the most boring & cliched villain ever....YAWN.

But you will finish it on tuesday as long as you don't play online, I was gonna ask you to play online with me today, but I realized that you;d want to finish the game by tuesday.

So what rating outta 10 do you think your gonna give to it?

out of 10... ill definitely give it a 7. I feel that every segment about this game is just average,The Story, characters, setting, the battle system, music, graphics, not as bad as some reviewers made it but its not great either just good. theres enough to hold my attention and get interested to the end. well as lonb as I beat the main story I dont mind doing online during FF and RoF time I just need main game finished. well back to work

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Mission complete i just completed WKC i can play FFXlll and RoF with a clear concious now!.. last boss was so easy it was terrible and pretty random too.

Xxain said:
Mission complete i just completed WKC i can play FFXlll and RoF with a clear concious now!.. last boss was so easy it was terrible and pretty random too.

the sun knight or whatever it is called I killed in seconds lol, glad you completed it in time for FF XIII

it's the future of handheld


The official Vita thread

i still got no idea how to increase my guild rank!!! Can anyone help? I completed the single player 36...only on guild can i increase my rank??? help please.

you have to keep redoing the GR1 and GR2 missions until you get enough points to level up to GR3 then you do those GR3 missions and so forth.

There is only 1 way to level your G Rank and its called Quest Grinding.

Around the Network

i bought this a few days ago for £17 new,a bargain

why doesn't my box say international edition,am i missing out on something or is it a pal thing,

also is there anyone still online in this game,when i get there in the villages or what,or does no one live there anymore


                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond


Thinking of picking this back up. I had it when it came out but traded it.  Does anyone have any advice on how to properly play the single player? Are you suppose to pretty much just have your character controlled by the AI and you the player just control Leonard the entire time?

I recall when I played I tried to control all characters or just my character and found that it didn't work so well. When I needed the Knight I didn't have enough energy/points buit up.  Battles became more complicated then I think they needed to be. There had to be an easier or more straight forward way to control battles.