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darthdevidem01 said:
Xxain said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Xxain said:
okay... I just left Baccea( the little town in Frass canyon) on my way to thamous rock how much longer till the end?... takin alittle lunch break, btw this game is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to predictable.


The kara is the black knight plot twist surprised me & made me like the game even

{highlight the above spoiler to view it}


ermm you are closer to the can DEFINETELY finish it by tuesday though.

yea.... I knew that was just a trick to confuse or make the player second guess. heres wat i think... SPOILERRRRRRSSSSS:#> Eldore is Mediuos and he OR his son is actually the black knight. and hoe close goin by ur previous answer... I should have to more areas including the last. I MUST beat this because when FFXlll and RoF gets here I wont play this for looooong time. I got SO4 finally but I dont plan to start it till after I beat at least one of the 2. gtw Grazel looks to much like sephiroth

I won't say if your wrong or not. There are a few more plot twists coming up

Yeah Grazel is the most boring & cliched villain ever....YAWN.

But you will finish it on tuesday as long as you don't play online, I was gonna ask you to play online with me today, but I realized that you;d want to finish the game by tuesday.

So what rating outta 10 do you think your gonna give to it?

out of 10... ill definitely give it a 7. I feel that every segment about this game is just average,The Story, characters, setting, the battle system, music, graphics, not as bad as some reviewers made it but its not great either just good. theres enough to hold my attention and get interested to the end. well as lonb as I beat the main story I dont mind doing online during FF and RoF time I just need main game finished. well back to work