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Forums - General Discussion - 38 Reasons Why Zex Hates the United States

>-thinking they're the center of the world
This isn't a US thing. Look at a Japanese world map, and what's at the center? Japan! But look at a US map, and what's in the center? Europe?? I think we got something from the Europeans there...

>-calling themselves america when they're not
I should look this up; I'm curious to where this came from. I can't feign ignorance from it myself, either... -_-

>-invading countries
Truthfully, I never thought we should be the world's police force, but we've been dumbasses so many times and done it that there will always be some country whining about how could we let something go on. (Answer: it's not our problem!)

>-supporting dictatorships
I know that we've been trying to remove some of these, but again, I say don't support them, or repress them. Just let them be.

>-using fake units
As someone who used to deal with metric units on a regular basis, I would be SO happy to switch over. It's much easier to remember 10, 100, 1000 than it is for... let's see... it's 8 ounces in a cup, 2 cups to a pint, was it 4 pints to a quart? And this from someone who likes numbers!

>-not liking football
>-sucking at football
>-not calling it football
Football? Oh, some barbaric sport? :P (But I say this of almost every sport.)

>-dsister(>.-bush father
You've no idea how happy I am now that neither of them are in power, do you? Those were years of sheer blunder, and they were left to Clinton and Obama to clean up. (Unfortunately, "dubya" REALLY fucked things up bad...)

>-conservative republicans
Ugh, again, so true. I can understand being against big government spending, so they (republicans) cut the things that benefit the lower and middle classes. And for what?? Tax cuts for the rich!! Hint guys, "trickle down" doesn't.

>-general ignorance
In regards to? Almost every country has things they are "ignorant" of? Or do you mean the general populous?

>-stereotypical homophobia
>-stereotypical religiousness
*grumbles* Well, this country isn't the worst for either one of those in actuality, but yes, there are still areas where those are represented. It should also go without saying that both of them are usually together, as it's the religion that drives the homophobia. If you stay in civilized areas (ie, many big cities in the northern part of the US), then it won't be a problem. Just stay out of the south. I'm too far south for my tastes, though DC being near helps in that regards.

I'm not sure what the beef is with them, if zexen sees this, could you explain?

Well, I've always said that it's so bad that the C walked away in disgust. Or it's just such bad notes that they can't end on an E...

A good chunk of the US actually takes PETA as a joke, and rightfully so. There are a few nutjobs who listen to them, but hey, there's even a few people who would listen to what I have to say, so it goes to show that everyone has their listeners.

>-gun ownership allowed
I never really got this either, but the NRA has become too big to strike it out like I would want. (Not to mention that again, the south would make this hard. Noticing a trend here?) There's far too many people who think that trespassing would be grounds to shoot someone. Sorry, but it's not a lethal action (trespassing), so it doesn't warrant one in retaliation.

>-no bidets
*laughs* They can be found, and there are a few places with them installed. But they are quite rare here.

>-taylor swift
>-bob dylan+

>-killing lennon
>-killing kennedy
Again, the US isn't the worst for killing people who make a difference. Though I thought Lennon was OD? Maybe I'm crossing things in my head...

>-the great depression
This isn't solely the US. Besides, the "great" one is over with. Though the current one isn't, it's even easier to map to most of the developed nations, and damned if we're not trying to get out of it.

>-hosting a sucky world cup
Is... this more sports? Damned if I know, I didn't watch it.

>-thinking they did a good job in that WC
We... did a good job with a water closet? I'm assuming that's not what you meant by 'WC' (as that's not even a term used here), but I'm at a loss for what it could be.

>-not having true sports fans
>-not beating brazil in the conf cup final
>-having a sucky sucks
Wouldn't 1 and 3 contradict each other? If we don't have "true sports fans", why would we care about having a good league? Or, for that matter, beating Brazil... :P I can't speak to the first one, though...

>-still not using bidets
Since this was already cited, that makes it redundant, and thus, reduces the number to 37.

We're not the only country that does this. Canada has one about a month before we do. I assume that many other countries have something analogous to it. But nowadays, it's really just an excuse to stay home, watch sports, pig out, and start Xmas shopping!

>-thinking that everyone celebrates halloween
Not everyone here celebrates it. Whoever thinks everyone celebrates it is an idiot. Seriously. I do nothing for that day. (Well, maybe in early November, we get some of the cheap candy for the house...)

>-having snow on xmas
Again, not everywhere gets this, nor does it happen every year. Sure, we got hit hard this year with snow, but places like Hawaii still don't see snow...

>-being responsible of serbia not being yugoslavia anymore
Huh? It's not Yugoslavia? The country that was 3rd last alphabetically is gone?

From another poster
>38 Reasons why you shouldn't hate America.
>1. They are awesome
Eh, this is opinional. There are some awesome people everywhere, though. And I can also say there are quite a few douchebags here in the US.

>2. Sitcoms
Again, not as good as they used to be. Other countries also do them. However, ours are disappearing for something far, far worse: the reality TV show. I want my sitcoms back instead of these! Even if it means Roseanne on Nick-at-Nite again... -_-

>3. Hollywood
Umm... what was the last good thing that came out of Hollywood? I don't care about any of those movies, not to mention that the price of a ticket to see them is out of control now. Buying a DVD on release week is cheaper than 2 movie tickets. And that's saying something...

>4. Porn
We pale in comparison to the Japanese here. You name a fetish, and I swear, they have a video of it.

>5-38: Different Variations of 1-4.
No, no, no. This ties into one of my other issues- saying Americans have a lack of creativity. At least try citing some of the real reasons why I love this country, like the fact that I can say this and not have to fear retribution. Freedom of speech is a huge thing. I could, in theory, go up to one of the Bush presidents, and say to their face that I think they did a shitty job as president. And they can't do anything back. So few countries offer this protection that it makes staying in the US rather high on my list.


-On a quest for the truly perfect game; I don't think it exists...