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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Please recommend me good and long ps3 exclusive games

uncharted 2 killzone 2 demons souls :D

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XxXProphecyXxX said:
Hmmmm long SP?

Demon Souls
Resistance FOM

personal recomendations for you

Ratchet and clank TOD and AciT
Heavenly sword
Motorstorm PR


Uhm, incredibly short game, that one

Thats why its not part of the "long SP recomendations" just my own recomendation.

I love this site. Thanks everybody for the suggestions. My short list so far...
Uncharted 2, Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 2 and Final Fantasy XIII

I am still thinking about a fifth game, maybe a RPG, maybe Valkyria or Demon Souls

Can anyone give a link for that White Knight some people mentioned. Thaks again.

Disgaea 3


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CGI-Quality said:
Long? Resistance: Fall of Man or Demon's Souls. MGS4 is decent in length too.

That's what she said.

OT: MGS4 is long, as are inFamous and Demon's Souls.

Replayable is entirely different. There's:

-Killzone 2


-Any R&C game (except Q4B)

-Really, any game with online.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

MGS4, Demon's Souls and Assassin's Creed 2.

Awesome picks with GT5 and UC2

I'd go with ModNation Racers (once its out) and I've never played it but I've heard Demons souls is awesome.