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Forums - Sony Discussion - how hyped was killzone 2?

Well not the most over hyped game of this generation but definitely up there. But, as stated, most concentrated on the internet rather than other areas which is one of the reasons sales were that explosive. But I think most of the hype came from just because it had been in the media for so long. Thus going to be talked about a lot. Most of the hype was positive of course but there were your usual detractors.

In my opinion of it all, game was overhyped and a little overrated because of it. Still a great game but claims of "best shooter" or "best online shooting experience" were kinda silly. While maybe arguable, it would not be one I'd ever argue.

But yea the hype machine for other such games such as Zelda: TP, Halo 3, Gears of War, Modern Warfare 2, Super Mario Galaxy, Metal Gear Solid 4, LittleBigPlanet, Uncharted 2, etc were all much much larger (large off the internet as well). Won't comment on overrated on those though because it doesn't' deal with the topic.

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Not even close. On the this site mabye, but in the commercial market it was basically non existant. Halo 3, and GTA were hyped way more, but both titles are garbage. Gears 1 & 2, and CODMW2 marketed well, and are great games.

If you don't like it, go on the internet and complain.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


I once went on a locking spree prior to Killzone 2's release because there were ~20 Killzone 2 threads floating around at one time on the Sony forum alone.

The only game that has come close to that so far is Final Fantasy XIII.

Other than that, Brawl is the only crazily hyped game I can think of from the past few years, but most of the excitement was contained in the Dojo thread (which actually had to be deleted form the website once it broke 10k posts, because it literally brought the site to a crawl).

One thing that stands out about Killzone 2 was that it had just as many detractors as supporters. For every person going "that video looked amazing!" you had somebody going "lol Guerrilla Games, Killzone sucked and so will Killzone 2". The reason Killzone 2 garnered so much attention was because it was controversial. You had reasonable threads like this turning into battlegrounds because of posts like these. You had fans praising it as the ps3's first true system seller and others predicting it'd fall flat just like the original.

Of course, this all deals with hype on VGChartz.  In the real world, Halo 3, GTAIV, and Modern Warfare 2 are the only games the general public truly seemed excited for.

Carl2291 said:
Real world... Not very.

Internet... Quite large.


For me, I kept following the hype, especially when reviews poured in with 9/10's. Graphics looked amazing then when playing, sluggish controls. I still love it though, can't wait for KZ3.

Battlefield Bad Company 2 > Modern Warfare 2

the hype was fair since it wasnt too big and the game was very high average IMO


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in my opinion it was hyped like hell only on the internet :P

It was hyped,not as much as your all suggesting.

But the crucial thing is that it lived up to the hype.Killzone 2 may not be as widely accepted as Modern Warfare 2,or even Uncharted 2 on the PS3.But Killzone offers a more intense experience than modern warfare 2 and a completely different experience to Uncharted 2.

If you want truly hyped games that I personally think did not live up to it,GTA IV and HAZE are the big ones for that.And Too Human on the 360,that's had like a decade of hype put into it.

Playstation gaming for 18 years this 2012

theprof00 said:
WHen us PS3 guys talk about it being the most hyped game of the year, we meant that it actually had tv commercials LOL. For a while there we were getting used to not seeing any advertisement for our games compared to MS which has an ad for every game that comes out and even releases ads of multiplat games themselves, so that they could put the 360 logo at the end, making it look exclusive.

Nailed it


the hype for haze pwned the hype for KZ2

no idea how to make this properly work