1. Maintain my good grades
2. Get 2000+ posts on vgchartz
3. Save money
... haven't really thought about it.
Maybe do more life drawing classes or something. .... and drink more tequila! XD
Go Big
Please Watch/Share this video so it gets shown in Hollywood.
1) Do more exercise.
2) Eat healthier.
3) Record at least 3 high quality instrumental songs.
4) (Possible) Move out of this country.
These are my top things that of which I am making my resolution this year...There are many more things that I want to work on though.
Currently Playing: Mass Effect (360)
"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed" - Gandhi
Unless they raise the level cap again, I get to become a VGChartz god in 2010!! My goal/resolution is to not die until then.
Eat lots more junk food, and waste money on video games. I think this year I'm finally gonna acomplish my NYR!!!!
Also, I'm going to eat the world's longest sandwich BEFORE highwaystar101.
*Throws down gauntlet*
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