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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Genres you wish would just die off

kowenicki said:

THIS. There is enough hate in the world.

EMULATION is the past.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E



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I think he means end. If a game turns out to be badass, in the sense of cool, then that's ok. But if it's just a "look how badass our character is", which so many games are now, then thats not cool, that's just trying to be badass.

For instance, No More Heroes isn't badass, it's cool. Of course some people might play this cool game and then say that it's badass. That's more end than means... I think

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

Khuutra said:
Mr Khan said:
stof said:
Badass games. There are few things more calculated and focus group derived than a game that basses itself on being badass.

Thank you. Badassery should be an end, not a means. You can be badass, but you shouldn't be *trying* to do so, as that usually means trying too hard.

Shouldn't that be a means rather than an end?

I really don't know

Maybe he means that you shouldn't start out as a badass, but become one through actions and/or reputation, without making an effort to look like a badass?

OT: Yeah, the genres I think should slow down (as opposed to going away completely) are adaptation games (movie-to-game, book-to-game, comic-to-game, TV-to-game, etc.), Shooters (third- and first-person), and minigame-based (not trivia-based) party games (slow down "Mario Party"; come back, "Jack", and shame on you if you don't know what I'm talking about)...

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coolestguyever said:
1. JRPG's - They are super boring. WRPG's like Fallout, Fable, Oblivion, etc are great though.

2. Music games - Is there any difference between Guitar Hero 5 and Guitar Hero besides the track list and adding drums (which they copied off of rock band)???

3. Fighting games - They were fun in the 80's and 90's but come on; Street Fighter 4 sucked ass! Face it, fighting games aren't what they used to be. They were fun in arcades but not at home, especially if your just playing single player because your friends can't come over.

4. Party games - Do I even need to explain this?

5. Exercise games - Seriously this genre is a joke. I'm pretty sure you burn more calories jogging outside then you do doing weird stretches and movements on some balance board that costs like $100. Now I'm not dissing the Wii, I'm dissing the exercise genre.

Oh and I wish Treyarch would die. Infinity Ward owns them.

It's not the games fault that you have no friends to play with. ;/

Quiz Games, Party Games, Imagin Babyz or whatever the F it is.


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allaboutthegames885 said:
Khuutra said:
Mr Khan said:
stof said:
Badass games. There are few things more calculated and focus group derived than a game that basses itself on being badass.

Thank you. Badassery should be an end, not a means. You can be badass, but you shouldn't be *trying* to do so, as that usually means trying too hard.

Shouldn't that be a means rather than an end?

I really don't know

Maybe he means that you shouldn't start out as a badass, but become one through actions and/or reputation, without making an effort to look like a badass?

OT: Yeah, the genres I think should slow down (as opposed to going away completely) are adaptation games (movie-to-game, book-to-game, comic-to-game, TV-to-game, etc.), Shooters (third- and first-person), and minigame-based (not trivia-based) party games (slow down "Mario Party"; come back, "Jack", and shame on you if you don't know what I'm talking about)...

Yeah. Badass is a title you earn. Samus Aran is badass, but she doesn't go around saying "I'm here to kick alien ass and chew bubble gum," it is a title she has earned by blowing up four planets in the course of her career (Zebes, SR388, Dark Aether, and Phaaz)

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:
allaboutthegames885 said:

Maybe he means that you shouldn't start out as a badass, but become one through actions and/or reputation, without making an effort to look like a badass?

OT: Yeah, the genres I think should slow down (as opposed to going away completely) are adaptation games (movie-to-game, book-to-game, comic-to-game, TV-to-game, etc.), Shooters (third- and first-person), and minigame-based (not trivia-based) party games (slow down "Mario Party"; come back, "Jack", and shame on you if you don't know what I'm talking about)...

Yeah. Badass is a title you earn. Samus Aran is badass, but she doesn't go around saying "I'm here to kick alien ass and chew bubble gum," it is a title she has earned by blowing up four planets in the course of her career (Zebes, SR388, Dark Aether, and Phaaz)

Oh I see

So you're against the Duke Nukem school of bad-assery, then

I would have to say Music games.They were fun at first but now there just getting annoying. I think its time they end the Guitar Hero and Rock Band series.


stof said:
Badass games. There are few things more calculated and focus group derived than a game that basses itself on being badass.

They're like the kid who tried so hard to be cool in highschool that everybody ended up hating him.  Meanwhile, the coolest kid in school was seemingly unaware of his own coolness.

Khuutra said:
Mr Khan said:
allaboutthegames885 said:

Maybe he means that you shouldn't start out as a badass, but become one through actions and/or reputation, without making an effort to look like a badass?

OT: Yeah, the genres I think should slow down (as opposed to going away completely) are adaptation games (movie-to-game, book-to-game, comic-to-game, TV-to-game, etc.), Shooters (third- and first-person), and minigame-based (not trivia-based) party games (slow down "Mario Party"; come back, "Jack", and shame on you if you don't know what I'm talking about)...

Yeah. Badass is a title you earn. Samus Aran is badass, but she doesn't go around saying "I'm here to kick alien ass and chew bubble gum," it is a title she has earned by blowing up four planets in the course of her career (Zebes, SR388, Dark Aether, and Phaaz)

Oh I see

So you're against the Duke Nukem school of bad-assery, then

Not necessarily. Nukem is clearly self-parody, something i support. That was just the only example i could think of. I'm more against the Kratos/Marcus Fenix school of badassery.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.