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Forums - Sales Discussion - How do you personally advertise/promote games?

SaviorX said:
twesterm said:
SaviorX said:

I could care less. It's not like I'm deleting the game off the face of the earth; they just have to look one game case behind it.

And really, people are much more likely to get extremely frustrated over Chicken Shoot or Anubis 2 than enjoy it, and yes that includes the kiddies.

You obvious don't have any kids or nieces and nephews.  My niece and nephews range from 2 to 8 and they eat stuff like Chicken Shoot up.

They don't care how pretty the graphics are or how good the gameplay is, they just care something funny is happening on the screen.  Things like perfectly executed controls and fine, detailed visuals are lost on the average six year old.  Games like Chicken Shoot exist because parents need to be able to buy the $10 game rather than the $50 one that the kid gets the same exact enjoyment out of.

If the developers set out to make Chicken Shoot something more meaningful, it would no longer be a $10 game.

Also, it's could not care less.  You could not care less.  Saying you could care less is the exact opposite of what you want to say.

     I actually have a couple younger cousins. I sent them my entire N64 collection and PS collection a while back. I remember when I was younger, all the games I played were relatively quality, with the exception of Ninja Turtles. The games we are dealing with here are near unplayable.


And please, don't correct my grammar. I know that tactic gives off the impression that you are of a higher echelon than me but it really isn't necessary...........just like saying the word echelon lol. I also say "Liberry" instead of "library", but everyone knows what I mean.

Unplayable to you, but, again:

  1. kids don't care
  2. It's a cheap no-budget game, what do you expect?
  3. Cheap games benefit the parents because the kids get the same enjoyment for less money.  Raising kids costs a lot of money.

I completely agree games like Chicken Shoot are terrible but denying they have their place and trying to cover them up is just an absolutely stupid and ignorant thing to do.  Again, by covering up those games you are just needlessly creating extra work for the employees and making already taxed parents spend money they don't need to spend.  Good job!

And pointing out your mistake has nothing to do with me trying to show my supiorority, it's just people make that mistake all the time and it annoys me.  That sounds as stuipid to me as why don't you make like a tree and get outta here? but at least that one still gets the point across.

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put a gun up someones head and say buy it or die

I regret making this my username, I made this name when I was 13 years old

Life could always get worse, you could be a mod for Neogaf

I usually just mention it to a few friends. They pretty much already know about the game I'm mentioning though. But one time at Gamestop, I did mention things about SO4 and how it was exclusive to Xbox 360 when someone asked.

Everyone needs to play Lost Odyssey! Any opposition to this and I will have to just say, "If it's a fight you want, you got it!"

twesterm said:
SaviorX said:
twesterm said:
SaviorX said:



     I actually have a couple younger cousins. I sent them my entire N64 collection and PS collection a while back. I remember when I was younger, all the games I played were relatively quality, with the exception of Ninja Turtles. The games we are dealing with here are near unplayable.


And please, don't correct my grammar. I know that tactic gives off the impression that you are of a higher echelon than me but it really isn't necessary...........just like saying the word echelon lol. I also say "Liberry" instead of "library", but everyone knows what I mean.

Unplayable to you, but, again:

  1. kids don't care
  2. It's a cheap no-budget game, what do you expect?
  3. Cheap games benefit the parents because the kids get the same enjoyment for less money.  Raising kids costs a lot of money.

I completely agree games like Chicken Shoot are terrible but denying they have their place and trying to cover them up is just an absolutely stupid and ignorant thing to do.  Again, by covering up those games you are just needlessly creating extra work for the employees and making already taxed parents spend money they don't need to spend.  Good job!

And pointing out your mistake has nothing to do with me trying to show my supiorority, it's just people make that mistake all the time and it annoys me.  That sounds as stuipid to me as why don't you make like a tree and get outta here? but at least that one still gets the point across.

I see your point, but I do not agree with it.  Somehow if you delve deeper into this, we could get a wealth of different things to argue about, so I'll leave it alone......unless your down for that 

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

Usually tell my friends and relatives about quality titles... thats all I can possibly do I guess...

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

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SaviorX said:
twesterm said:
SaviorX said:
twesterm said:
SaviorX said:



     I actually have a couple younger cousins. I sent them my entire N64 collection and PS collection a while back. I remember when I was younger, all the games I played were relatively quality, with the exception of Ninja Turtles. The games we are dealing with here are near unplayable.


And please, don't correct my grammar. I know that tactic gives off the impression that you are of a higher echelon than me but it really isn't necessary...........just like saying the word echelon lol. I also say "Liberry" instead of "library", but everyone knows what I mean.

Unplayable to you, but, again:

  1. kids don't care
  2. It's a cheap no-budget game, what do you expect?
  3. Cheap games benefit the parents because the kids get the same enjoyment for less money.  Raising kids costs a lot of money.

I completely agree games like Chicken Shoot are terrible but denying they have their place and trying to cover them up is just an absolutely stupid and ignorant thing to do.  Again, by covering up those games you are just needlessly creating extra work for the employees and making already taxed parents spend money they don't need to spend.  Good job!

And pointing out your mistake has nothing to do with me trying to show my supiorority, it's just people make that mistake all the time and it annoys me.  That sounds as stuipid to me as why don't you make like a tree and get outta here? but at least that one still gets the point across.

I see your point, but I do not agree with it.  Somehow if you delve deeper into this, we could get a wealth of different things to argue about, so I'll leave it alone......unless your down for that 

meh, I'm on vacation this week so I got nothing going on and don't mind derailing threads. 

I would say that I take the same procedure SaviorX does. However, if there's a game I really like I try to promote it by making as many threads about the game on vgchartz. I figure this is the perfect place to promote a game.


twesterm said:
SaviorX said:
twesterm said:
SaviorX said:
twesterm said:
SaviorX said:



     I actually have a couple younger cousins. I sent them my entire N64 collection and PS collection a while back. I remember when I was younger, all the games I played were relatively quality, with the exception of Ninja Turtles. The games we are dealing with here are near unplayable.


And please, don't correct my grammar. I know that tactic gives off the impression that you are of a higher echelon than me but it really isn't necessary...........just like saying the word echelon lol. I also say "Liberry" instead of "library", but everyone knows what I mean.

Unplayable to you, but, again:

  1. kids don't care
  2. It's a cheap no-budget game, what do you expect?
  3. Cheap games benefit the parents because the kids get the same enjoyment for less money.  Raising kids costs a lot of money.

I completely agree games like Chicken Shoot are terrible but denying they have their place and trying to cover them up is just an absolutely stupid and ignorant thing to do.  Again, by covering up those games you are just needlessly creating extra work for the employees and making already taxed parents spend money they don't need to spend.  Good job!

And pointing out your mistake has nothing to do with me trying to show my supiorority, it's just people make that mistake all the time and it annoys me.  That sounds as stuipid to me as why don't you make like a tree and get outta here? but at least that one still gets the point across.

I see your point, but I do not agree with it.  Somehow if you delve deeper into this, we could get a wealth of different things to argue about, so I'll leave it alone......unless your down for that 

meh, I'm on vacation this week so I got nothing going on and don't mind derailing threads. 


 So I'm guessing if you don't mind the parents buying these games for their kids, you encourage the purchase of shovelware right? 

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

SaviorX said:
twesterm said:
SaviorX said:

I see your point, but I do not agree with it.  Somehow if you delve deeper into this, we could get a wealth of different things to argue about, so I'll leave it alone......unless your down for that 

meh, I'm on vacation this week so I got nothing going on and don't mind derailing threads. 


 So I'm guessing if you don't mind the parents buying these games for their kids, you encourage the purchase of shovelware right? 

Yes, as I said, shovelware has its place.

I absolutely agree that these games are *terrible* but they were never made to be games of the year or even decent games.  They are games made with minimal talent, minimal team size, and minimal budget.  The publisher says make a game on the cheap kids will eat up, see you in 6 months and then leaves.

The developers aren't worried about making a fun game, they're just making something that more or less works and that kids will eat up.  Since the game has a minimal budget, it can sell for a minimal amount and make money. 

They know exactly what they are making, there are no aspirations for a good game with your general shovelware game.  This isn't Too Human or Haze, this is a bunch of entry level people getting their foot in the door until they can get a job at a real studio.

So, with all that, what does shovelware get you?

  1. A generally terrible game that the best you can say is it more or less works
  2. A game any gamer or anyone over the age of 10 should avoid like the plague
  3. A game made on zero budget that will make money
  4. A game that helps developers get their foot in the door (for good or bad) by allowing them to put a shipped game on their resume
  5. A game that is made for kids that they will eat up.
  6. A game that is CHEAP for parents that can't budget a $50 game.

So yes, gamers should avoid these games.  They are terrible and a complete waste of time.  But kids, like six year olds?  Shovelware games are perfect for them.  They're cheap so the parents don't have to bend over backwards to pay for them and the kids will like the game just as much as something like Super Mario Galaxy.

So as a gamer, I don't buy shovelware and would never tell another gamer to buy a shovelware game (unless it somehow happens to be good).

If I was a parent of three young kids like my sister, I would absolutely support shovelware.  It keeps the kids entertained just as much as the AAA games and it's 1/5 the price.

It's fun to go on and on about shovelware and how it's ruining the industry and it's so terrible, but as much as you hate it, it does have its place.  The simplest way to show your hate for shovelware is to just not buy it and leave it alone. 

It being there does absolutely nothing to you because the teams making those shovelware games are never going to be the teams making Brawl, Devil May Cry, Gears of War, or any of the other big games.  You are missing out on nothing and nothing is being destroyed because of shovelware.

1when som woman asked in an electronic store which console is best for her kid i showd her ps3 slim and then said to her now only 299 it only does everything well in the end she bought a DS -_-

2 i have praised VC to everyone even to some villagers i told them to buy a ps3 and play VC
3 my teacher in japanese wanted to buy a gift to her husband for his birthday then i was playing DISSIDIA with my friend (yes, she let us play PSP in the classroom only when we have completed the daily lesson) and showed to her that psp can play music can store photos intenet connection and then she bought to her husband