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Haha I've already read it, three times -.- it is good, but the recent fight is taking WAY too long. It'll turn around in the next chapter, unless it's ANOTHER false build up.

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Anyone read High School Debut, Lovely Complex or Bokura Ga Ita?

OMGOMGOGMOGMOGMGOMGOMGOGMOGMGOMGO, I DODODODODODODO! I have finished highschool debut, i have caught up in Bokura ga ita and im on chapter 23 in Lovey Complex!!!!!!

High School Debut is my favourite manga of all time easily, love to bits, Bokura Ga Itas also great, i loved the anime and Lovely Complex is amazing aswell.

If you haven't already you should definitely read Kimi Ni Todoke.

Another good one is Ai No Tami Ni, its only a volume but its done by the same person who did High School Debut.

Ringo Nikki was also good and thats by the person who did Lovely Complex.

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High school debuts one of my faves too. I really like bokura ga ita, its soooooo depressing. I hope they eventually get together..yuri yamamoto is making me sick >.
kimi no todoke, but i dont like girl in it ;-; is it really worth reading!?

Well if you dont like the girl then its hard to say, ive only read 17 chapters myself, maybe read 3 chapters and see what you think then or give the anime a try. Its one of the most popular shoujo mangas at the moment.

Have you already seen the Lovely Complex anime?

Shame High School Debut never got one.

ok!i'll try reading a few chapters of kimi ni todoke! and have you read kaichou wa maid-sama? its also really popular!its being animated right now. 1st episode is out.

lovely complex anime? no, but im going to watch it! im going to finish the manga first!

i really wanted a high school debut anime TT_TT

I think ive heard of it but ive never read it but i'll definitely give it a go, maybe i'll start reading when the animes finished.

Its better to read the Lovely Complex manga first because the anime doesn't cover it all, it covers the first so many volumes very closely then kinda rushes through the next few.

Theres also a Lovely Complex live action movie.

^^ IN The kaichou anime, they completely ruined the character design in the anime!



i love the manga so far of lovely complex....i heard the mangaka released a new manga...its hilarious well..thats what people said.

omg, have you watched the live action movie?is it goof\d?