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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Will Galaxy 2 benefit from MKWii & NSMB's success?

I'd also like to point out, it is quite possible that Galaxy 1 sales were somewhat interrupted by that of Super Smash Bros Brawl and Mario Kart Wii. I mean games on the same platform compete (even if with evergreen Nintendo titles where it doesn't seem to exist). Meaning Galaxy could have sold much more had it not been for Mario starring in two more games within 6 months after its release. They go to the shelves to find a game and they want the latest Mario game and well that would have been Mario Kart Wii or Smash Bros Brawl to a lesser extent. Personally I think Ninty should have spread the releases out more but oh well.

So if we kinda take Galaxy 2 in the same context, it may not have to deal with that same competition and potentially get more sales because of it. I still expect Galaxy 2 to release November 2010 so we'll see how that goes.

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RolStoppable said:
No, quite the opposite will be the case. Galaxy 2's sales will be hurt by NSMB Wii. Now that people have their memory refreshed or for the first time seen just how awesome 2D Mario is, they won't bother with a Mario game that is not the real thing.

I made a sales prediction thread not too long ago, I put Galaxy 2 at around 5m tops with NSMB Wii outselling it at least five times over. Also, NSMB Wii > (Galaxy + Galaxy 2)*2.

"Not the real thing", "NSMB Wii > (Galaxy + Galaxy 2)*2"?

It's a bit sad to read that coming from a gamer... Just having finished NSMB Wii, I absolutely loved it. No doubt about it. Still, I think I was blown away more by Mario Galaxy. Sure it's subjective and a matter of taste in the end, but you shouldn't dismiss the astonishing amount of creativity and love that was put into Galaxy. I wouldn't want Mario to be stuck in a single way of playing, and your "not the real thing" quote does sound a bit narrow minded in that way. The essence of Mario is not "2D", it's "the joy of bouncing around and interacting with stuff". Galaxy managed to pull that off in a groundbreaking way AND even feel epic at the same time. 

On topic: No, I think Galaxy 2 will most likely sell a bit less than Galaxy 1, like any sequel on the same system does. It's a shame though.


Currently playing: NSMB (Wii) 

Waiting for: Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii), The Last Story (Wii), Golden Sun (DS), Portal 2 (Wii? or OSX), Metroid: Other M (Wii), 
... and of course Zelda (Wii) 
ElRhodeo said:
RolStoppable said:
No, quite the opposite will be the case. Galaxy 2's sales will be hurt by NSMB Wii. Now that people have their memory refreshed or for the first time seen just how awesome 2D Mario is, they won't bother with a Mario game that is not the real thing.

I made a sales prediction thread not too long ago, I put Galaxy 2 at around 5m tops with NSMB Wii outselling it at least five times over. Also, NSMB Wii > (Galaxy + Galaxy 2)*2.

"Not the real thing", "NSMB Wii > (Galaxy + Galaxy 2)*2"?

It's a bit sad to read that coming from a gamer... Just having finished NSMB Wii, I absolutely loved it. No doubt about it. Still, I think I was blown away more by Mario Galaxy. Sure it's subjective and a matter of taste in the end, but you shouldn't dismiss the astonishing amount of creativity and love that was put into Galaxy. I wouldn't want Mario to be stuck in a single way of playing, and your "not the real thing" quote does sound a bit narrow minded in that way. The essence of Mario is not "2D", it's "the joy of bouncing around and interacting with stuff". Galaxy managed to pull that off in a groundbreaking way AND even feel epic at the same time. 

On topic: No, I think Galaxy 2 will most likely sell a bit less than Galaxy 1, like any sequel on the same system does. It's a shame though.


The thing is that some don't find it groundbreaking, just annoying, hence the lower sales, especially in Japan.

And it's not really groundbreaking anyway, just using more gravity physics. It's not as though games couldn't do that before.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Super Mario Galaxy 2 will do 10m tops.

Things that need to die in 2016: Defeatist attitudes of Nintendo fans

I sure hope so, because the game looks beyond incredible, but somehow I doubt it.

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its a good point that you made here , i think it can sell more than the first galaxy , cuz its a game that both hardcores and casual will buy it , and its a fact there much more people in this world who likes mario now , than at the time when galaxy one comes out


A patriot to the end. GO PATS!

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I doubt it. I expect it will sell less than SMG.

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.

SMG2 will benefit from an higher wii user base, but I doubt he will benefit for NSMB Wii. SMG didn't really benefit from Mario Kart WII either. Japan has a lot to do with 3D mario lower sales.

Go buy Metroid OTHER M!

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Yes it will sell better, for the reasons you have said.

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8 million is nuffin to be ashamed of though...