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We had plenty of Snow up here in the Wirral too. In fact my Mum, Dad, Brother and Sister all took over an hour to get home form work or school, I was at Home all day with no need to go out at all. I did go for a short walk to my local park though and even threw snow balls at signs just for a laugh.

Currently playing: Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks and Red Steel.

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Smash Bros Brawl- 5284 2865 3565

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trashleg said:
highwaystar101 said:
Yes, the snow is here at last, it's all good .

Mind you when I was on my way home last night the kids started throwing snowballs at the bus I was on and they were laughing and waving, having a fun time like kids do. I thought that it was nice they were having fun, but lot's of (old) people on the bus were saying to each other how their behaviour was "disgusting" and "It's the parents fault those kids are so rotten" and so on. I was thinking they're kids, you can't say that when you're a kid you never threw snowballs, it's what kids have done for century's. Kinda brought a downer on it.

you're doing a PHD and you spelled the plural of "century" wrong?! ¬_¬;


Everyone can make grammar mistakes, because I'm doing a PhD doesn't mean I'm immune from grammar mistakes. You didn't start your sentence with a capital letter :-p


I was stuck in Birmingham city centre yesterday for two hours. All the buses on my route were cancelled due to bad weather conditions. Grr.

Started snowing when I was at the pub yesterday, luckily the buses kept on running late.

I'm off to see Avatar in 3D iMax, then its time for sledding!... this is gonna be a good day : )

Oh I hate the snow >


I normally love snow, but there are some issues here.....

Firstly, Fallout 3 is in the post office, and I can't really go there unless I walk, and I can't be bothered to walk for about half an hour through the snow (and it closes soon anyway)
And, school will clearly start on time next Tuesday, but the pitches will be waterlogged... {snowlogged}

It is, however, warm compared to the USA from where I just returned

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I got a text this morning saying the office was closed. Hooray. Back to bed for another hour and a half.

It is tarrible, instead of snow - this year snow to knees... Walk in university - the whole history. 15 years was not such.

Just had to walk 2 miles on icy pavements and didn't fall over :O

Saw a couple people fall over only to glance around quickly hoping no-one saw to a double decker bus full of people cracking up at them. Poor bastards.