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Forums - General Discussion - Do you think animal testing is right?

Seece said:
I also believe we should cut back on the meat we eat, quit eating Cod to let them repopulate, stop eating Lamb (how could you!) and rabbit, vennison, duck ect ... Beef, Pork, Chicken and Turkey is more than enough variety ...

Yeah, but fish have a memory span of like 10 seconds.. They also lay thousands of eggs like every month.. Cows, Pigs, Chickens don't always have lots of babies.


Reputation proceeds me, they told you I'm crazy, I swear I don't love the drama it loves me <3


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Ps3 said:
Khuutra said:

Those people are alive and as healthy as they are largely because of medical breakthroughs that came about as a result of animal testing. When we find a cure for cancer, it will be through animal testing. When we figure out how to heal nerve damage, it will be through animal testing. When we figure out how to make a pill that will cure a person of depression, or help prevent the risk of birth defects, or cure acne, or pretty much anything in medical science, it will be beause of animal testing.

Yes, I think animal testing is right. It sucks for them, but I place value on human life that is much higher than the value I place on the life of other animals.

Maybe it can be done on animals that are dying or aren't expected to live much long, but to take healthy living animals and do brutal tortures on them is wrong. I mean how would a human like it if another species evolved greater than us and took us away and tested on us?

Healthy animals are necessary for these tests - though of course they do use animals with cancer for cancer research.

Sick animals make the research less effective, which means it costs more human lives in the long run. Not acceptable.

Doing the research on people isn't acceptable either, because this stuff would kill them.




Lamb is delicious

Ps3 said:
Seece said:
I also believe we should cut back on the meat we eat, quit eating Cod to let them repopulate, stop eating Lamb (how could you!) and rabbit, vennison, duck ect ... Beef, Pork, Chicken and Turkey is more than enough variety ...

Yeah, but fish have a memory span of like 10 seconds.. They also lay thousands of eggs like every month.. Cows, Pigs, Chickens don't always have lots of babies.

Really? COD are practically endangered species in this country ... Pigs and Cows are not.


Seece said:
Ps3 said:
Seece said:
I also believe we should cut back on the meat we eat, quit eating Cod to let them repopulate, stop eating Lamb (how could you!) and rabbit, vennison, duck ect ... Beef, Pork, Chicken and Turkey is more than enough variety ...

Yeah, but fish have a memory span of like 10 seconds.. They also lay thousands of eggs like every month.. Cows, Pigs, Chickens don't always have lots of babies.

Really? COD are practically endangered species in this country ... Pigs and Cows are not.

Are they endangered around the world? Well maybe if the U.S stopped animal testing and closed down factorys we wouldnt' have to dump waste into our oceans where those fishys live.

Khuutra said:
Ps3 said:
Khuutra said:

Those people are alive and as healthy as they are largely because of medical breakthroughs that came about as a result of animal testing. When we find a cure for cancer, it will be through animal testing. When we figure out how to heal nerve damage, it will be through animal testing. When we figure out how to make a pill that will cure a person of depression, or help prevent the risk of birth defects, or cure acne, or pretty much anything in medical science, it will be beause of animal testing.

Yes, I think animal testing is right. It sucks for them, but I place value on human life that is much higher than the value I place on the life of other animals.

Maybe it can be done on animals that are dying or aren't expected to live much long, but to take healthy living animals and do brutal tortures on them is wrong. I mean how would a human like it if another species evolved greater than us and took us away and tested on us?

Healthy animals are necessary for these tests - though of course they do use animals with cancer for cancer research.

Sick animals make the research less effective, which means it costs more human lives in the long run. Not acceptable.

Doing the research on people isn't acceptable either, because this stuff would kill them.




Lamb is delicious

Okay, thats different if they use sick animals. It's giving the animal a chance. but to use a healthy animal IMO is sick.

I never said we should do research on normal human beings!


Reputation proceeds me, they told you I'm crazy, I swear I don't love the drama it loves me <3


Ps3 said:
FaRmLaNd said:
We kill animals by the millions for food and keep them in horrible living conditions whilst pumping them full of drugs anyway. I doubt that animal testing is anyworse aslong as its done for medical research.

Food is different! We eat them, animals eat other animals. Testing is not what god inteded for us to do. Just because we have more power than these poor creatures doesn't mean we can bully them and hurt them.


We already bully them and hurt them so that we can live. Thats why I only buy freerange meat. So that the animals don't have a poor quality of life before they get killed. I should hope you do the same if you eat meat.

I don't think God exists.

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Ps3 said:
Khuutra said:
Ps3 said:

Maybe it can be done on animals that are dying or aren't expected to live much long, but to take healthy living animals and do brutal tortures on them is wrong. I mean how would a human like it if another species evolved greater than us and took us away and tested on us?

Healthy animals are necessary for these tests - though of course they do use animals with cancer for cancer research.

Sick animals make the research less effective, which means it costs more human lives in the long run. Not acceptable.

Doing the research on people isn't acceptable either, because this stuff would kill them.




Lamb is delicious

Okay, thats different if they use sick animals. It's giving the animal a chance. but to use a healthy animal IMO is sick.

I never said we should do research on normal human beings!

Using sick animals isn't a viable alternative, though. It can't be done in order to get the same results. We need healthy animals. Otherwise we may never cure cancer. Or diabetes. Or sickle-cell anemia. Or multiple sclerosis.

Jesus, I would like for there to be a cure for multiple sclerosis. Wouldn't you?

FaRmLaNd said:
Ps3 said:
FaRmLaNd said:
We kill animals by the millions for food and keep them in horrible living conditions whilst pumping them full of drugs anyway. I doubt that animal testing is anyworse aslong as its done for medical research.

Food is different! We eat them, animals eat other animals. Testing is not what god inteded for us to do. Just because we have more power than these poor creatures doesn't mean we can bully them and hurt them.


We already bully them and hurt them so that we can live. Thats why I only buy freerange meat. So that the animals don't have a poor quality of life before they get killed. I should hope you do the same if you eat meat.

I don't think God exists.

I only eat chicken.. that's about it.

I believe god does exist.


Reputation proceeds me, they told you I'm crazy, I swear I don't love the drama it loves me <3


I don't think its plausible to outright ban it. However anything that improves the quality of life for the animals involved would be supported by me.

@Seece I agree we should cut back on eating meat. It increases health, allows animals to repopulate (fish as you already stated) and hugely reduces our impact on the environment.

Yes, for medical causes, no for cosmetic ones.

Is there even a shred of evidence that proves animal testing could work for humans? What have we accomplished?


Reputation proceeds me, they told you I'm crazy, I swear I don't love the drama it loves me <3