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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft: Project Natal to replace remote controls

From my experience even normal universal remote controls are not that good as they often don't have half the buttons that on the remote that came with the device has.

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So any sceptic is a "hater" apparently. I don't care much about Natal but this sounds neat.


Smidlee said:

What haters? I meant what exactly wrong with using a remote control? What is exactly so hard about pushing a button to change channels?

Those here to rag on MS any chance they get without adding anything constructive.

I'm sure you can spot them.
Anyone can be sceptic but no need to brig in useless vids or pointless coments about browsers. What does that have to do with Natal and tv remote controls? Nothing. It's the usual suspects as well.

dear aunt, lets set so double the killer delete select all

Flicking my wrist will take forever to get to certain channels i'll rather push buttons

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I personally think they should go with Bluetooth remotes. I really dont see this working out well.

Here's a question I have: What will MS NOT do to hype Natal? Perhaps sacrifice a goat? Because I find this concept to be absolutely ridiculous!

I mean, who wants to flail their hands around every time they want to change the channel or switch on a movie? Is a single button that scary to some people? Hmmm…

In regards to the article, all I can say is if it ain't broken don't fix it.

@.jayderyu: I don't think there's much of a future with Natal interface with TV:s. There were some handy features mentioned with channel lists chosen with face recognition software.

@Lord Flashheart: Pointless comments? Don't you think commenting the people who comment what is said in the OP is more pointless?
I thought the guy interviewed was talking about integrating games consoles and internet. This same company also happens to segregate its console and internet with the lack of webbrowser.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

I think for media purposes NATAL is a great step in the right direction. I don't think NATAL will get the adoption needed to change all this but it's technologies and principals might.

While I realize that my taste is not indicative of most consumers I will say that I can't see it ever satisfying all my gaming needs. So much for one channel. Microsoft is more than welcome to change my mind but they haven't shown anything capable of that yet.

.jayderyu said:
what MS is catching up to what I said come release of this device. I called it months ago :P

Though I have to admit that a poor version of the Wiiremote could also be implemented. But I see Natal style becoming the next general interface. It's more convient when you can't lose the controller :)

god dammit woman where did you put my arms!