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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The 2nd Wii Secret Santa thread (Members can join before December 15th!)

I got ones!

But it was a repeat.... I sent it back.... I guess, the sender can redeem it or something?

Still, World of Go is a nice thought Santa!

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

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if you return a game, the sender does get his points back, so don't worry c03n3nj0.

come try out the computer game i've been working on for my high school senior project, titled sling ball.

you can view a few screenshots from the game in my photo album here;

yes, this is vonboy's alt account. i can't log into my original account, and i'm not sure if i will ever be able to.

Proud Member of the Official Yoshi Fan Club!.

I'll let your Santa know that you already had the game. And I'm glad to see there's interest in a round two: I'll see if I can get some folks who were ambivalent about round one to join in this time.

Count me in for the second round as well.

I feel bad fro not gifting my original Tim the games he wanted(appearntly he got the games i was going to send him anyways so lol), but don't expect me to be as generous as the first time! I still have points but i want to leave some of them for a RPG N64 game...*hinthint?!*

^^^ This is what you get for blowing a rumor out of proportion

Chocobo brain damage!!! Here, drink this diet Coke..*runs*

Currently playing :

VC - Ogre Battle March of the Black Queen
Wii - New Super Mario Bros. Wii
DS - Glory of Heracels

Thank you to vonboy for the gift of Paper Mario, i.e. the N64 game I rentend a dozen times, but never managed to buy. Thanks!

Around the Network

My Tim and I still haven't been verified as Wii friends :( I want to be a Santa.

"Now, a fun game should always be easy to understand - you should be able to take one look at it and know what you have to do straight away. It should be so well constructed that you can tell at a glance what your goal is and, even if you don’t succeed, you’ll blame yourself rather than the game. Moreover, the people standing around watching the game have also got to be able to enjoy it." - Shiggy

A Koopa's Revenge II gameplay video

I thought I finally got my Gift from Santa, but it was from Tell Tale instead

Warrior of Light #66

"I'm not illiterate, my parents were married!"

3DS FC: 2878 9589 2016

Wildvine53 said:
I thought I finally got my Gift from Santa, but it was from Tell Tale instead

That's incredibly disturbing, since I haven't heard from your Santa one way or the other yet. Please tell me he/she's gifted you by the time you read this...

Sould have started it earlier......


                                       That's Gordon Freeman in "Real-Life"


ok for a second round.

Go buy Metroid OTHER M!

Wii code: 6775-1034-2238-1634

PSN: birdie93      XBL: luthor93

3DS: 3909-7597-9889

You can add me, I won't stop you!

My website: