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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Official Final Fantasy XIII Thread

1. Will you trust Famitsu ever again?

Nope. I'm already having a hard time believing they gave a game like Bayonetta 40/40. If they don't do the same with Final Fantasy, something is up their ass.

2. will you ever accept FF13 isn't as good as FF12 on the basis of Famitsu?

I'll never forgive them for rating it lower than perfect, but FFXII was extremely exceptional. It was one of the best games in the Final Fantasy series so it deserved the score it got.

3. Would you not buy the game?

LOL nothing on this planet will stop me from buying this game.

4. Would the games sales eventually be less due to this?

Nope. No one cares enough about Famitsu.

5. Will you not care & think its stupid to give a game a full score anyway?

Not at all. This generation, Famitsu has already given NSMBWii, MGS4, Monster Hunter Tri, Bayonetta, Brawl, Nintendogs and DQIX perfect scores. FFXIII pretty much has to join that list.

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uh... nothing will happen actually famitsu is largely ignored.

I their is anyways dropping after NSMB got 40/40.I mean it was a great game but it was like 38 not 40/40.

Anyways,I think the japanese version will get 40/40.

Don't know what our western critics would give it.

I have one more concern that will the western PS3 version be compromised to match 360 port

if this happens i will travel to japan famitsu headquarters and kill everyone with a gun theni will make thousands of protests in the jp streets about famitsu being paid by MS and NINTENDO i don 't really care if it gets 4/40 the magazine has proved idiot see demon soul white knight chronicles ,3d dot game heroes etc
I will buy FFXIII even if it gets a metascore 06

Even if Famitsu gave the game a -100.000 i would still buy it, no questions asked. It should be the best game to come out in quite a long time.

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Famitsu would simply...burn...they would wake a demon that will hunt them forever

Famitsu rates depending on hype so no worries there.

Signature goes here!

But, how a 40/40 affect sales in Japan exactly?

they gave dragon quest Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies for the DS a perfect score.
Final Fantasy 13 NOT getting a perfect score makes it a joke.

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Famitsu cant give XIII a bad score, even if they want.

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!