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Forums - Sales Discussion - Worldwide Up PS3 Still >Than 360 MW2 Sells 8.14million

selnor said:
Feylic said:
selnor said:
Carl2291 said:
selnor said:
Am I the only one that sees these sales as good but not great for Sony?

They have just had a HUGE pricecut, and a complete redesign of the machine. The SLIM. And yet the 360 sits very close. OK we know Walmart had deals, and COD 4 pack. But seriously? How in the world is Sony going to contend with Natal launch?!

I seriously expect ( and cant see how anyone can say different with this much media hype ) that Natal will see 360 around if not better than Wii's current numbers next year, and regularly every week. This almost cements Sony in last for the generation by ( total guess ) 20 million +?

Natal is gonna at least triple sales of the 360's current numbers this same time next year. With as much advertising and funding as a new launch console it will be MASSIVE. For Sony to not have come last this gen we needed to see Wii numbers now after the major changes they made. Ther is little else but further price drops for Sony.

As always...


Well Feylic ( MR stealth troll ) may well put it in his sig yet. He likes to feel mighty on the net and make others ( or attempt ) feel inferior. At least not everyone takes the net 'THAT' seriously.

Seriously? This is what you think of me? You are much more delusional than I originally suspected. How does calling people out on their erroneous claims make them a troll? How does asking someone to own up to their blatant lies and arrogance make them a troll? One of my biggest pet peeves is the spread of false information, and so far you seem to be the King of that.

How can a prediction opinion be a lie? That is very very twisted. And calling out someones prediction is completely different than following them and pin pointing it in your sig. For over a year. And even changing it to their next predictions. That sir is stealth bullying at worst and very childish. Trying to mask it as calling my predictions lies and arrogance is even worse. If it makes you feel better do it. One of my biggest peeves is people who prey on other people. God save the person who does that to my daughter.

A prediction is a prediction, but when you scream "best graphics I have ever seen ever" on every new grainy video that comes out, I begin to think you are just spouting nonsense, and lies just to stir stuff up (and be childish). How else am I supposed to call your prediction if I don't have a copy of it? I've seen a lot of people with other members predictions in their sigs (Though they usually have a 2 way bet going on, you seem to just shout out some ridiculous claim that you are 100% convinced will occur and I find that funny so into my sig it goes, no one writes things as funny as you do) I had sigs turned off for awhile and wasn't really paying attention to them until you made that new "prediction", don't ask people to quote you if you don't want them to. How can I be preying on you when you're ASKING to be quoted?!   don't know what your daughter has to do with this but ok...

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selnor, just to give you a few examples of some big failure predictions...

"Gears 2 I expect 7 - 9 million entire life and over 2 mill first day sales"
"Fable 2 I expect 5-6 million entire life and 1.5 mill fist day sales"
"BK3 I expect 4 - 5 mill sales entire life and 1 mill first day"
"Too Human I even expect 3-4 mill entire life and 500,000 first day"

You even though 1.3 Million MGS4's sold on day one was nothing great ¬_¬


Carl2291 said:
selnor, just to give you a few examples of some big failure predictions...

"Gears 2 I expect 7 - 9 million entire life and over 2 mill first day sales"
"Fable 2 I expect 5-6 million entire life and 1.5 mill fist day sales"
"BK3 I expect 4 - 5 mill sales entire life and 1 mill first day"
"Too Human I even expect 3-4 mill entire life and 500,000 first day"

You even though 1.3 Million MGS4's sold on day one was nothing great ¬_¬

See, what did I tell you Selnor?

Carl2291 said:
selnor, just to give you a few examples of some big failure predictions...

"Gears 2 I expect 7 - 9 million entire life and over 2 mill first day sales"
"Fable 2 I expect 5-6 million entire life and 1.5 mill fist day sales"
"BK3 I expect 4 - 5 mill sales entire life and 1 mill first day"
"Too Human I even expect 3-4 mill entire life and 500,000 first day"

You even though 1.3 Million MGS4's sold on day one was nothing great ¬_¬

Even though i may despise him.

Gears2 prediction could...... happen... well it be nice its a hell of a franchise that Gears.

Hus said:
Carl2291 said:
Hus said:

Carl2291 said:

And PS3 predictions DO get laughed at. Just go look at the "GT5 20 million sales?" thread. I laughed at the guy who said that too.

"Gran Turismo 5, the first 20 million selling GT... maybe."

if you somehow read that and get prediction, then i laugh at you.

meh, same thing

Occupation:News Reporter 

Makes perfect sense. Twisting words to fit your story is a specialty for you.

I only report GOOD news, your thread doesn't get into my category of awesomeness. I was MOCKING your thread, not reporting it


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Feylic said:
selnor said:
Feylic said:
selnor said:
Carl2291 said:
selnor said:
Am I the only one that sees these sales as good but not great for Sony?

They have just had a HUGE pricecut, and a complete redesign of the machine. The SLIM. And yet the 360 sits very close. OK we know Walmart had deals, and COD 4 pack. But seriously? How in the world is Sony going to contend with Natal launch?!

I seriously expect ( and cant see how anyone can say different with this much media hype ) that Natal will see 360 around if not better than Wii's current numbers next year, and regularly every week. This almost cements Sony in last for the generation by ( total guess ) 20 million +?

Natal is gonna at least triple sales of the 360's current numbers this same time next year. With as much advertising and funding as a new launch console it will be MASSIVE. For Sony to not have come last this gen we needed to see Wii numbers now after the major changes they made. Ther is little else but further price drops for Sony.

As always...


Well Feylic ( MR stealth troll ) may well put it in his sig yet. He likes to feel mighty on the net and make others ( or attempt ) feel inferior. At least not everyone takes the net 'THAT' seriously.

Seriously? This is what you think of me? You are much more delusional than I originally suspected. How does calling people out on their erroneous claims make them a troll? How does asking someone to own up to their blatant lies and arrogance make them a troll? One of my biggest pet peeves is the spread of false information, and so far you seem to be the King of that.

How can a prediction opinion be a lie? That is very very twisted. And calling out someones prediction is completely different than following them and pin pointing it in your sig. For over a year. And even changing it to their next predictions. That sir is stealth bullying at worst and very childish. Trying to mask it as calling my predictions lies and arrogance is even worse. If it makes you feel better do it. One of my biggest peeves is people who prey on other people. God save the person who does that to my daughter.

A prediction is a prediction, but when you scream "best graphics I have ever seen ever" on every new grainy video that comes out, I begin to think you are just spouting nonsense, and lies just to stir stuff up (and be childish). How else am I supposed to call your prediction if I don't have a copy of it? I've seen a lot of people with other members predictions in their sigs (Though they usually have a 2 way bet going on, you seem to just shout out some ridiculous claim that you are 100% convinced will occur and I find that funny so into my sig it goes, no one writes things as funny as you do) I had sigs turned off for awhile and wasn't really paying attention to them until you made that new "prediction", don't ask people to quote you if you don't want them to. How can I be preying on you when you're ASKING to be quoted?!   don't know what your daughter has to do with this but ok...

I thought you were reffering to putting my bet in your sig. Not more quotations. You know like Me an Selnor have the following bet: etc.

The major point here is the 'I' in Best graphics I have ever seen. That instantly makes it my opinion. And in no way do expect everyone to agree. And the games I have said it about are always great looking to me. I tend to also give alot of credit to multiplat games for graphics where alot on this site dont. I recall Lost Planet 2, Assasins Creed 2, currently Bad Company 2. MW2 was a surprise to me. I NEVER quoted ever about it being graphics to watch or my up coming faveourite. It took me by surprise and happened to be another multiplat. Does the fact I have Uncharted 2 as my top mean nothing? Because my list does not comply with the many Sony fans here, does not mean I'm wrong. I like graphics and like to share my thoughts. I know Wii owners that would give Galaxy a higher graphics rating than U2. It's not always about technicalities. It's about what is seen on screen. Yeah you may find me funny, but believe it or not ALOT of people dont agree with many graphics lists. I have seen many different lists that have no PS3 games in the top 5.

Sounds like they mean FUD, not lies, in spouting huge predictions that turn out to be massively wrong and denigrating the prospects of the other console.


edit: plenty of people do the latter; it just depends on how much support there is for the statements made, I guess.

AE101 said:
Carl2291 said:
selnor, just to give you a few examples of some big failure predictions...

"Gears 2 I expect 7 - 9 million entire life and over 2 mill first day sales"
"Fable 2 I expect 5-6 million entire life and 1.5 mill fist day sales"
"BK3 I expect 4 - 5 mill sales entire life and 1 mill first day"
"Too Human I even expect 3-4 mill entire life and 500,000 first day"

You even though 1.3 Million MGS4's sold on day one was nothing great ¬_¬

See, what did I tell you Selnor?

Man. Cmon. I explained before the day bit was meant to be first week. I'm not completely stupid.  

Gears 2 was close for first week, and could easily do 7 mill lifetime.

Fable 2 was again close for first week. Lifetime was optimistic.

The other to were flops. And after playing them I can see why. 

The MGS4 thing, I expected it to sell Halo levels. It didnt. Maybe I expected to much? I got the impression it was supposed to lift the PS3 in front of 360 and start a PS3 surge according to the threads on this site at the time.

excuses excuses... you just have an explaination for everything

letsdance said:
excuses excuses... you just have an explaination for everything

I explained it along time ago, when it was pointed out to me. I didnt even realise I had wrote that. I dont have to answer anymore. I have never stated anything as fact. ALWAYS my opinion. Remember when you see the next prediction thread thats worse. ( There has been loads ). And it wont have been started by me. Then watch 70% of forum members on this site defend the prediction.