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with a banhammer


Around the Network

As the android destroyed


 2008 end of year predictions:

PS3: 22M

360: 25M

wii: 40M

the sun


was destoyed by #17


 2008 end of year predictions:

PS3: 22M

360: 25M

wii: 40M

zackblue was resuscitated


Around the Network

Cell killed soriku


 2008 end of year predictions:

PS3: 22M

360: 25M

wii: 40M

soriku turned supersaiyan!!!


 2008 end of year predictions:

PS3: 22M

360: 25M

wii: 40M

Soriku and Zackblue married


Dallinor grabbed soriku's


 2008 end of year predictions:

PS3: 22M

360: 25M

wii: 40M
