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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - David Wise moves on from Rare

makingmusic476 said:
Majin-Tenshinhan said:
Please employ this man, Nintendo.

Nintendo should form a team of ex-Rare guys to make new Donkey Kong games.  xD

Hell yeah they should.


Hardly double standards. If you can find me a single post where anyone complains about David Wise specifically then I will concede defeat. But you won't. Because nobody ever has.

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DirtyP2002 said:

ehm double standards?

  1. "Rare is such a bad developer!" (At the time he was creating the soundtracks for 4 or 5 Rare games
  2. "This man is a genius" (After he left Rare)

Nobody ever said Banjo Kazooies or Perfect Dark Zeros soundtrack were awesome...

Banjo-Kazooie's soundtrack was fantastic what are you talking about

DirtyP2002 said:

ehm double standards?

  1. "Rare is such a bad developer!" (At the time he was creating the soundtracks for 4 or 5 Rare games
  2. "This man is a genius" (After he left Rare)

Nobody ever said Banjo Kazooies or Perfect Dark Zeros soundtrack were awesome...

Oh don't start this.

  1. The man is a genius.  Anybody who has ever played DKC 1/2 can attest to that. 
  2. Rare have multiple people working on different soundtracks for different games.  Dave didn't do the soundtracks for either of those titles (he has actually never done a soundtrack for a Banjo title), instead working on Diddy Kong Racing DS and Viva Pinata DS over the past couple of years.
  3. Stop generalizing.  I'm the person that called him a genius.  Have I ever said anything even remotely close to "Rare is such a bad developer"?

This thread is meant to celebrate the career of a great man, and wish him well wherever he may go.  Don't bring your fanboy drivel in here.

Now, to bring the thread back to a lighter note, here is the excellent remix of Wise's Bramble Blast in SSBB (originally from DKC2):

Here's a higher quality version for download:

makingmusic476 said:
Onyxmeth said:

I wonder what Rare is working on that wouldn't allow him to do his thing. It's not like Rare hasn't been creating games over the last few years that could benefit from god soundtracks. Perfect Dark Zero, Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts, both Viva Pinatas, and Kameo are on paper as good a game as any from Rare to get dynamic soundtracks from him.

Well, we know they're behind Avatars, which don't require anything in the way of a soundtrack, and all we know for the future is that Rare is 100% behind Natal.

It must be this then, because Rare over the last few years have still given ample opportunities for composers to do their thing. I can't imagine that none of Rare's projects ask for a soundtrack though. Looking at his workload over the last few years, I think he's leaving simply because Rare isn't using him much any longer. His last four projects were handheld games, and two of them are just him picking up where he left off in games he already composed the soundtrack for. Not really a big loss for Rare if they weren't using him anyways.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Onyxmeth said:
makingmusic476 said:
Onyxmeth said:

I wonder what Rare is working on that wouldn't allow him to do his thing. It's not like Rare hasn't been creating games over the last few years that could benefit from god soundtracks. Perfect Dark Zero, Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts, both Viva Pinatas, and Kameo are on paper as good a game as any from Rare to get dynamic soundtracks from him.

Well, we know they're behind Avatars, which don't require anything in the way of a soundtrack, and all we know for the future is that Rare is 100% behind Natal.

It must be this then, because Rare over the last few years have still given ample opportunities for composers to do their thing. I can't imagine that none of Rare's projects ask for a soundtrack though. Looking at his workload over the last few years, I think he's leaving simply because Rare isn't using him much any longer. His last four projects were handheld games, and two of them are just him picking up where he left off in games he already composed the soundtrack for. Not really a big loss for Rare if they weren't using him anyways.


I hope wherever he ends up, his talents are exercised to their full extent.  He was one hell of an ear for music.   I'd love to be in his line of work one day.

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He should be able to find a place somewhere else, and in all likelihood, did before he left Rare.

I never cared much for Wise's work, to be absolutely honest. Can't please em all, I guess.

My guess is that he's leaving because he knows Rare isn't going anywhere. At this point, other developers no doubt have better use (and a better paycheck) for a talented composer than Rare does.

Oh, and as mentioned, David Wise did not compose the soundtrack for Banjo Kazooie or Perfect Dark. Grant Kirkhope did. Incidentally, he also left Rare recently.

Khuutra said:
DirtyP2002 said:

ehm double standards?

  1. "Rare is such a bad developer!" (At the time he was creating the soundtracks for 4 or 5 Rare games
  2. "This man is a genius" (After he left Rare)

Nobody ever said Banjo Kazooies or Perfect Dark Zeros soundtrack were awesome...

Banjo-Kazooie's soundtrack was fantastic what are you talking about

Yes it was. It was also great in Nuts & Bolts, which was just a blatant reuse of the original soundtrack.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

Rare isn't even Rare anymore. Just a logo now. Microsoft screwed them up big time.

DirtyP2002 said:

ehm double standards?

  1. "Rare is such a bad developer!" (At the time he was creating the soundtracks for 4 or 5 Rare games
  2. "This man is a genius" (After he left Rare)

Nobody ever said Banjo Kazooies or Perfect Dark Zeros soundtrack were awesome...

1. Rare (Now, as a company, formerly Rare founded by christ and tim stamper, who left before being acquired by MS) is such a bad developer company.

2. This man (david wise, who did most of the soundtracks for Rare in it's glory days when Chris and Tim Stamper still ran the show) is a genius (who stayed on a little bit longer than he should have).

Soundtracks do not make a game. They improve upon them. Just because they had one genius stay on past Rare's expiration date to help accent a game, doesn't mean that Rare is a great developer. .


And what khuutra said x2