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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - New super mario bros Wii on metacritic.

They were just trying to make a name for themselves but that will only result in them having zero credibility.



In my opinion the N64 was not just the best console of the 5th gen but, to this day the best console ever created!

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Yes, I've never heard of this onion, nor read any of their reviews, but a 58 is just way to low and they have proven to me that they are not trustworthy. Will ignore from now on.

The Onion is a news satire site, and their review being on metacritic is a joke, at least to them. Metacritic could be useful, but not if it's gonna count the Onion's review, that's like watching SNL and taking the Weekend Update seriously.

So yeah! I got this game a few days ago.

I could honestly give a shit what reviewers say now. It's one of the best games this gen and I am having a blast playing with my friends.

But this wasn't apparently them, more an affiliate. It doesn't matter, they have a 5 point system A B C D and F, Mario gets a C+ from these guys. Metacritic is the one trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. 5.8 but shouldn't it be a 79%, which is still low, but at least it's an honest C.

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Escherichia said:

But this wasn't apparently them, more an affiliate. It doesn't matter, they have a 5 point system A B C D and F, Mario gets a C+ from these guys. Metacritic is the one trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. 5.8 but shouldn't it be a 79%, which is still low, but at least it's an honest C.

C+ to me is high 60's. better than 5.8, but still too low.

Its easy to think C+ should be something closer to 70% or maybe between 70% and 75%, depending a lot on the system you're used to. But anyway, 58 for C+ means B- starts at something like 60, which makes sense when you think about it more like a 5 star system than a "grading" system, so C+ would be somewhere between 5.3 and 6, which would round to 5.7, meaning the "translation" is in fact good.

Well, in most college courses 70-79 is a C, so a C+ should be a 78-79. On a 5-point system the translation is fine, the translation breaks down in my opinion because they are using letter grades. And here I thought Edge was being harsh, this score is pure malarky.

Yeah, on college courses a C usually means either something between 6 and 7.4 or 7 and 7.9, depending on the system, but their translation makes it clear that their just using a 15 point scale with letters as symbols. It is kind of misleading and all, but it makes perfect sense with the number used and also seems more in touch with the content of the written review, so I'm fairly sure this is the case here.

Isn't "The Onion" a joke news site? How'd they get their review in?