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So what's up with all the elf avatars? Am I out of the loop on something? I saw one user have it, then I saw Kwaad have the exact same picture, but mirror imaged, and then I've seen the same elf avatar flipped upside down, or with the colors tweaked. What's up wit dat?

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Do you really like vendetta that much?

Maybe I do, or maybe my real name starts with "V" and the whole V for Vendetta thing just kind of fits (and my name isn't "Vendetta") Is there some kind of inside thing i'm missing with the elf avatars? EDIT: oh and sometimes people just call me "V" so that's the story behind that

Moi je met pas d'avatar parce que si j'en mettais un et ben il serait tellement trop beau que vous seriez tous dégoutés d'avoir des avatars tout moches.
Je suis quand même cool hein?

Well I figured since this is mostly a gaming forum, there is bound to be a lot of anime avatar. Since there are only so many good anime shows (I'll probably get flamed for this) its bound for some people to pick the same avatars.

BTW, what is with Mesoteto and the endless array of cat avatars?

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There are few good dubbed anime, I will give you that. But delve into the land of Subtitles and you have quite an array.

Like Zetsubou Sensei in my own avatar.


I actually don't mind the odd anime here and there, but I have never been able to get into a subtitled anime so my knowledge of anime is limited to dubbed ones.

i don’t know what the problem is with avatars...but you best just keep it down if you know what i mean Mr. V......i have this button here that dispatches the secret police and i would hate to "bump" it if you know what i mean......


Really are alot of those cats, who likes cats anyway?

*pushs button for Rozeding*

see more crazy cat pics

see more crazy cat pics

see more crazy cat pics

attack my minions...i mean what minions