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Forums - Sony Discussion - INFAMOUS is from November 11 Platinum!


and people wonder why sony want DD

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

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Ajescent said:
oouuu....tempting tempting, tempting. If it's less than £20 at GAME then consider me sold.

You haven't bought it yet??

*sheds a tear* 

4 ≈ One

Instead of making a completely new box-art, they couldn't just make a better box for the Platinum Range and make everyone happy....

4 ≈ One

Play was still selling this at €50 until this morning. Glad to see the platinum release though I will probably try to get a non-platinum version if it is reduced in price.

I still don't think I'll get the game. Maybe, just maybe if I can find the game for £15.

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you need to get this sabby, its really a great game

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It´s time to get Infamous. I will import it from the UK.

shouldn't the platinum covers also get a redesign with the PS3 logo on top insted of the Playstation 3 on the vertical side?

nen-suer said:

you need to get this sabby, its really a great game

I played the demo and wasn't that impressed. But if I can find the game for very cheap I might get it.

axumblade said:
Nice! It seems Europe gets their greatest hits way before we do in the U.S. Isn't Killzone 2 a platinum title there as well?

You guys get the games first, but we buy them the most :P

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