Soulxxx said:
"Bluray was included in the PS3 for the wrong reasons(read, not for gaming), and it's removal would help the price immensely."
In case you didn't know, PS3 games come out on Blu-ray discs, and it's not gonna be long before developers start using the extra 10-20 (single layer 25 gigs, double layer 50 gigs) over the HD-DVD (single layer 15 gigs, double layer 30 gigs). Those extra 10-20 gigs will give you lower loading times, faster graphics, distant drawing and overall better graphics. They might even be used to give the PS3 players extra content if we speak about multi-plat titles. And with the momentum BR has built up against HD-DVD, the PS3 might (freaking WILL) actually benefit from the BR drive inside greatly.
Oh, and in order to read HD-DVD with your 360 you need to buy an external HD-DVD drive that costs 200$ so that brings the price up to 600$ which is the same price of a PS3 with a BRP inside..
Well, i disagree with you, but not because i think that HD-DVD is superior to BR now, but i think it will take some years until we can see which format will become standard, and it can still be neither BR nor HD-DVD.
One exemple i can give you is Audio CDs compared to MP3 Players, the quality is definitely better in audio cds, but MP3 has made them look obsolete, since its easier to use, has better funcionalities, and isn't more expensive.
Another one is just looking at the portable market, every gameboy or the nintendo DS had a most powerful tecnological opponent, and the psp is still in the market, but every one the tried to beat any gameboy just got obliterated, because the gameboy had qualities that mattered much more to the overall consumer, the same qualities i mentioned before, its easier to use, since the gameboys are really strong and children could play and not break them, and the system made better use of batteries as well, and i could think about more stuff, but i think this is enough.
So what i'm trying to say is that i think dvds can hold the martk probably until the end of this generation of consoles, if hd-dvd, br or another different format are much cheaper and offer real advantagens 5 years in the future, then it's probable that we have a new mainstream format.
But i don't think that the new format will be chosen because it can carry 15, 20 or even 40gb more when compared to a normal dvd, people actually can only see a difference if they have high def tv and sound equipment, which still aren't mainstream. If any format will emerge victorius it will be because it makes people's life easier.
And if I may continue, i think that something along the lines of that appel tv thing has the most chance of winning, last year there were much much more people watching videos on youtube than on hd-dvd or br players, and this year i think this trend will continue, since not having fisical package of every movie/series/football match actually makes things easier, i believe that some sort of tv with internet, with streamable content and a hard drive will be the future, but well that is just my bet =)