Alright, things seem to be moving quite fast here. Good thing we finally settled on a target!
Alright, things seem to be moving quite fast here. Good thing we finally settled on a target!
May sabby rest in pieces
I am the black sheep "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson
Time for you to die ax
RIP if ur innocent, rot in hell if ur scum
Vote axumblade
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Hum. Interesting IM conversation with hatmoza. I meant to save it to copy and paste into the thread, but I accidentally closed the window. Nordlead, if you can find the log feel free to post it in its entirety here. I suppose hatmoza might have issue with it, but I have decided to be a stickler for the rules on this one. Talking between live players like this is pretty terrible, and if I trusted a word he said I probably wouldn't have entertained it for so long.
The short version. He claims to be a mason, and asks for my protection. I say I think he is lying. He accuses Khuutra of having a subversive goal, and wants to try and get him lynched tomorrow. Begs for my protection tonight, I refuse. Makes a handful of wild and even more unbelievable power claims that I won't bother repeating unless requested. For now I will assume they are false, and with hold them to keep this from influencing the game.
Then claims he will answer one of three questions honestly. Claims his role varies based on the day, that he is Samus, and that he wins with the town. Supposedly two of these are lies. When asked says that he is still a mason, and forgot making that role claim. Suspects one of his fellow masons of being scum, but doesn't want to out them for fear of them all losing their powers.
Through-out he claims that one of the masons might be scum, and he got a mysterious message indicating he might die tonight. I suspect it is because of the transmission we got, and my accusation of Khuutra being a bounty hunter of some sort. Fun stuff there.
My interpretation. I suspect he is actually scum. If there is a masons faction that works as he describes, and Khuutras posts seem to imply this might be the case, then he is getting intel off a spy in their ranks. Still it seems far more likely, to me, that this is another series of lies designed to convince me to abduct him and save him from some set of powers going off against him tonight like I did the first night which, perhaps, was not the best move in hindsight. Ah well it all worked out.
Of note, I repeatedly told him he should make these claims here instead of in a private chat with another player. If I am to be mod killed, then so be it. Soleron already knows I can keep information to myself that I probably shouldn't have. No, none of you know what that information is. You don't even have a clue in fact so I wouldn't waste time speculating. To that end I will go more in depth with him, one on one, at his request and either ignore, or repeat anything that might be of interest.
I am a stickler for the rule in these games. There is no fun if you can't trust everyone to abide by the rules. I like game balance because it keeps it interesting. I like no secret conversations because it keeps everything a lot more honest and transparent. Having people secretly role claim to each other screws with both, and I dislike that. I don't think I gave out anything of consequence that has not been posted here verbatim. Sorry hatmoza if you feel betrayed by this.
I am a jerk.
you are jerk.
No need denying it now. I am Samus and I am a mason and I am pro-town. I will not give up my roles though.
You really made a big deal out of nothing. I was gonna wait until you died of the poison to tell you everything like I said early in the IM but I guess I got a little too excited because I believed you were lakita .
I am really disappointed in myself for ever thinking you were a decent person. And to claim you are a "stickler for the rules" .... I'll just stop there.
I am the black sheep "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson
axumblade said: While I know I'm about to die, I would just like to point out that Khuutra is acting really strange. He voted for Gnizmo, only one to do so, and then tonight, Gnizmo has been poisoned. There's a few more minor incidences in here that are kind of odd but I think you should have him get checked out before letting him be in control of this game. |
He was checked out night one by a confirmed cop. He is not a mafia at the least. Poisoner is something of a secondary concern for the town as of right now because he is going to be gunning for mafia as well for the time being.
hatmoza said:![]() No need denying it now. I am Samus and I am a mason and I am pro-town. I will not give up my roles though. You really made a big deal out of nothing. I was gonna wait until you died of the poison to tell you everything like I said early in the IM but I guess I got a little too excited because I believed you were lakita . I am really disappointed in myself for ever thinking you were a decent person. And to claim you are a "stickler for the rules" .... I'll just stop there. |
After I had died I wouldn't have said anything about it. It would have ceased to influence the game. Influencing the game while dead is something I have done my best to stop everytime I see it. You can trust me very easily. Trust I will out you if you try and have a meaningful conversation about game roles outside of the game. I have chatted about nothing at all with other people, I will admit that. But the second it crosses the line into potentially game influencing talk I direct them to the thread, like I did with you. Decent person, well, depends on who you ask. Some might say this makes me more of a decent person.
And I am Lakitu. Dead men have no reason to lie.
Gnizmo said: Hum. Interesting IM conversation with hatmoza. I meant to save it to copy and paste into the thread, but I accidentally closed the window. Nordlead, if you can find the log feel free to post it in its entirety here. I suppose hatmoza might have issue with it, but I have decided to be a stickler for the rules on this one. Talking between live players like this is pretty terrible, and if I trusted a word he said I probably wouldn't have entertained it for so long. The short version. He claims to be a mason, and asks for my protection. I say I think he is lying. He accuses Khuutra of having a subversive goal, and wants to try and get him lynched tomorrow. Begs for my protection tonight, I refuse. Makes a handful of wild and even more unbelievable power claims that I won't bother repeating unless requested. For now I will assume they are false, and with hold them to keep this from influencing the game. Then claims he will answer one of three questions honestly. Claims his role varies based on the day, that he is Samus, and that he wins with the town. Supposedly two of these are lies. When asked says that he is still a mason, and forgot making that role claim. Suspects one of his fellow masons of being scum, but doesn't want to out them for fear of them all losing their powers. Through-out he claims that one of the masons might be scum, and he got a mysterious message indicating he might die tonight. I suspect it is because of the transmission we got, and my accusation of Khuutra being a bounty hunter of some sort. Fun stuff there. My interpretation. I suspect he is actually scum. If there is a masons faction that works as he describes, and Khuutras posts seem to imply this might be the case, then he is getting intel off a spy in their ranks. Still it seems far more likely, to me, that this is another series of lies designed to convince me to abduct him and save him from some set of powers going off against him tonight like I did the first night which, perhaps, was not the best move in hindsight. Ah well it all worked out. Of note, I repeatedly told him he should make these claims here instead of in a private chat with another player. If I am to be mod killed, then so be it. Soleron already knows I can keep information to myself that I probably shouldn't have. No, none of you know what that information is. You don't even have a clue in fact so I wouldn't waste time speculating. To that end I will go more in depth with him, one on one, at his request and either ignore, or repeat anything that might be of interest. I am a stickler for the rule in these games. There is no fun if you can't trust everyone to abide by the rules. I like game balance because it keeps it interesting. I like no secret conversations because it keeps everything a lot more honest and transparent. Having people secretly role claim to each other screws with both, and I dislike that. I don't think I gave out anything of consequence that has not been posted here verbatim. Sorry hatmoza if you feel betrayed by this. I am a jerk. |
It looks like u have been talking for along...long time
stickler for the rules huh
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nen-suer said: It looks like u have been talking for along...long time stickler for the rules huh |
Talking, not so much. Listening, yes. I would hope hatmoza would at least back that part of the story. All he got were strange, non-answers and me telling him to post in this thread. Oh, and I said I thought he was lying a lot. Anything else that might or might not be relevant I will gladly repeat here to the best of my ability.
"And I am Lakitu. Dead men have no reason to lie."
duh thats why I trusted you because you wouldn't have ties with scum if you are a lonely alien.
* Please nord pull up that Im conversation. I want to show everyone when mr "stickler" started to care about the rules
I am the black sheep "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson