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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 8 - Game Thread

outlawauron said:

Looking back....

It does seem quite childish to vote nen-suer whenever it's clear that we will not progress unless we vote Falcon.

Sorry about this Falcon, we need this to move on.

Unvote: nen-suer

Vote: Falcon

Given his actions, I don't think your "revenge vote" was too wide of the mark.

@all:  Guys, it's fairly obvious Falcon is innocent.  Why finish him off?  Just to end the day?  The town is doing bad enough.  Getting rid of him when he's most likely innocent (and who knows, could have a fairly useful role... despite not being around much) just doesn't seem like a good idea.

I'm no fan of axing someone just for the hell of it, but if we're going to do that anyway, I at the very least propose axing (or at least heavily interrogating) the only suspicious person running around - Nen-suer, who has jumped on and off the outlaw/falcon bandwagons like a mexican jumping bean.

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I'm afraid to unvote...

Start talkin', nen.

4 ≈ One

I thought the way he voted Falcon after ur joke was weird

I pressured him and he voted me, that confirmed my suspicion.

whats ur reason mm ?

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My reason to vote falcon: He's not doing anything for the game.... errr... at all....

4 ≈ One

nen-suer said:
I thought the way he voted Falcon after ur joke was weird

I pressured him and he voted me, that confirmed my suspicion.

whats ur reason mm ?

Well I thought it was weird that after you wanted him modkilled, you would change your vote.  I know alot of people changed their vote, but you obviously wanted him gone, so why change your vote?

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Vetteman94 said:
nen-suer said:
I thought the way he voted Falcon after ur joke was weird

I pressured him and he voted me, that confirmed my suspicion.

whats ur reason mm ?

Well I thought it was weird that after you wanted him modkilled, you would change your vote.  I know alot of people changed their vote, but you obviously wanted him gone, so why change your vote?

To me lurking >> suspicion

I said that before.

Falcon defence made me sorry 4 him, he is obviously too bezy to post (not his choice), so that kinda made me want to give him a chance and see

if he will be more active and go with my suspicion

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nen-suer said:
I thought the way he voted Falcon after ur joke was weird

I pressured him and he voted me, that confirmed my suspicion.

whats ur reason mm ?

Outlaw initially wasn't acting out of the ordinary, yet you HoS'd him.  Not even a mere FoS.  Then you later escalated that suspicion to a vote, for even less reasoning than I'm FoS'ing you now.  You've seemed rather suspicious most of the day.  Of course, looking back you seem like a legit towny, based on day two, over the course of which you consistantly defended Hatmoza in fear of lynching a cop.  So who knows what you are.

In the end, I think I'm acting more on desperation than anything substantial at this point.  I think we're gonna lose.  =/

@ mm476

You think that jumping on and off of who you are voting for is more suspicious than lurking? Wouldnt that be as much of a roll of the dice as Falcon?

Vetteman94 said:
@ mm476

You think that jumping on and off of who you are voting for is more suspicious than lurking? Wouldnt that be as much of a roll of the dice as Falcon?

It is when one of the people you're voting for hasn't done anything vote-worthy.