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^ but we may lose if he turns up being innocent

Vote to Localize — SEGA and Konami Polls

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nen-suer said:
^ but we may lose if he turns up being innocent

Of course. He could have an important role so we can't lynch him for no reason.

Sure, but i'm in this for the fun...

And if he did have an important role and died, perhaps that would get this game jumping again...

4 ≈ One

sabby_e17 said:
nen-suer said:
^ but we may lose if he turns up being innocent

Of course. He could have an important role so we can't lynch him for no reason.

I think if he had a special role he would have indicated it in his explaination post, but all he said was he was pro-town.  


Good point.

And until we find a better choice, i'm not moving my vote.

4 ≈ One

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Vetteman94 said:
Well Makingmusic and axumblade, you both had suspicions against nen-suer. I would like you to share your reasons, or point to the specific posts which made you suspicious. Maybe there is something to it and we can get him talking. You had your suspicions that Gnizmo was telling the truth, and it was right, maybe you got this one right as well.

I am willing to believe Falcon for now, but I still think he has something to hide.

My suspicion of nen-suer stemmed solely from the fact that nen-suer was rather quick to jump on outlaw after a couple of joking accusations by axumblade and myself.

In gnizmo's case, I had quite a bit more to go on, to say the least. 

axumblade said:
Vetteman94 said:
Well Makingmusic and axumblade, you both had suspicions against nen-suer. I would like you to share your reasons, or point to the specific posts which made you suspicious. Maybe there is something to it and we can get him talking. You had your suspicions that Gnizmo was telling the truth, and it was right, maybe you got this one right as well.

I am willing to believe Falcon for now, but I still think he has something to hide.

It's nothing substantial. It was moreso just a "hey, he unvoted falcon immediately after me" vibe that I got. But it could have just been a coincidence. When I first saw he posted right after me, it seemed a little odd how quickly he jumped to submit but then I realized it was same minute and all.

I believe falcon DOES have a special role. So my question is whether he is hiding what kind of a role he has due to him feeling that it's of importance to the game OR is he lying about being pro-town.

Its funny you mention the quickly jumping off of Falcon vote.  He was pushing really hard for a mod-kill on Falcon.  But the minute everyone else started jumping off of the votes so did he.   Interesting..........

Vetteman94 said:
axumblade said:
Vetteman94 said:
Well Makingmusic and axumblade, you both had suspicions against nen-suer. I would like you to share your reasons, or point to the specific posts which made you suspicious. Maybe there is something to it and we can get him talking. You had your suspicions that Gnizmo was telling the truth, and it was right, maybe you got this one right as well.

I am willing to believe Falcon for now, but I still think he has something to hide.

It's nothing substantial. It was moreso just a "hey, he unvoted falcon immediately after me" vibe that I got. But it could have just been a coincidence. When I first saw he posted right after me, it seemed a little odd how quickly he jumped to submit but then I realized it was same minute and all.

I believe falcon DOES have a special role. So my question is whether he is hiding what kind of a role he has due to him feeling that it's of importance to the game OR is he lying about being pro-town.

Its funny you mention the quickly jumping off of Falcon vote.  He was pushing really hard for a mod-kill on Falcon.  But the minute everyone else started jumping off of the votes so did he.   Interesting..........

Yes am fast...but not that fast

Vote to Localize — SEGA and Konami Polls

Vote Today To Help Get A Konami & SEGA Game Localized.This Will Only Work If Lots Of People Vote.

Click on the Image to Head to the Voting Page (A vote for Yakuza is a vote to save gaming)

WoW is considering ending the day by randomly lynching someone that hasn't voted if you don't reach a majority. So, I suggest you get your suspicions thrown quickly, and start voting

zexen_lowe said:

WoW is considering ending the day by randomly lynching someone that hasn't voted if you don't reach a majority. So, I suggest you get your suspicions thrown quickly, and start voting

Well at least it will move this game along