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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 8 - Game Thread

I'm not convinced in lynching someone that has roleclaimed cop, even someone that has hatmoza's track record. We simply can't afford it, we need the investigations. Actually, I'm suprised that anyone would suggest lynching someone that has claimed cop in Day 2

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And let me add (personal rant) I think it's fucked up that you guys jump on the only person trying to help you all out with his finds when a gloomy night consisting of 2 pro town doctors die. You guys suck

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Falcon095 said:
hatmoza said:
I would have to let everyone know about my find right?

But you did let everyone know about your role. And I don't know why you think it makes more sense to roleclaim after being roleblocked (aparently by a whore) than finding a bad guy.


I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Final-Fan said:
Dgc1808 said:
supermario128 said:
hatmoza said:
I trust Gnizmo this game for some odd reason.

I FoS FF just for being an ass and saying I fucked up when we have no frikkin lead whatsoever. HELLO both doctors died! even if I eventually got guilty results I would end up dead the next day just by providing that info

Gnizmo, 'm putting my faith in you decision this game since your seem sincere. Don't make me regret this. Who do we lynch?

But if you waited a couple days before revealing your role we would have suspects to vote for.....

Kinda odd he just threw it out there, isn't it? Why'd you do that without anything to prove you were even an investigative role? All we know is that you were possibly with prostitute last night...

Oh wow, I just realized how perfect this would be for a fake roleclaim.  He claims that he's the cop but getting roleblocked so he doesn't have to fake any investigations.  And since he's claimed the cop, obviously any sensible roleblocker WOULD keep it on him.  

Also, he's throwing a lot of accusations out there, at me just for apparently being mean to him, and at Dgc for mentioning Falcon (why is this a surprise, and why jump on him now?) right after he questions hatmoza.

I dunno if it's strong enough to vote, but I sure as hell wanna find out if other people find this fishy.   

"HELLO both doctors died! even if I eventually got guilty results I would end up dead the next day just by providing that info

But the thing is, your info is worthless.  The only ones who it affects is cops, and they can't stop it from happening, nor can the whole town.  The only way to stop it is to lynch (or roleblock?) the prostitute, and you have given us ZERO help there.  If you'd refrained from roleclaiming, the prostitute might have targeted someone else letting you actually get some USEFUL information.  But that won't happen now.  You DID "fuck up".  Or you're faking.  

I guess if there's a body snatcher, he could snatch you and he would be targeted by the prostitute instead of you, so that would be a reason to claim so that you could investigate.  But you didn't do it for that reason; for one thing, you fully expect to die tonight.  So, again, you're dumb (panicky) or faking.  

I'm leaning toward faking right now.   

I don't understand your reasoning behind the bolded/underlined.  Why would any sensible roleblocker keep targeting Hatmoza?  A pro-town roleblocker would have no reason to roleblock him, and the only faction that WOULD want to roleblock him would be the bad faction (werewolves, mafia, whichever) opposite his own, as they would think he's a cop and fear him.  And that's assuming that faction even has a roleblocker. 

I don't see why that would be a reason for him to fake roleclaim.  It would accomplish nothing.

I agree with the evil guy.

Vote: Megaman .2.


If he is blocked agian then we know that the prostitute isn't on our side. If he isn't blocked then we gain a great ally

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dsister44 said:

I agree with the evil guy.

Vote: Megaman .2.


If he is blocked agian then we know that the prostitute isn't on our side. If he isn't blocked then we gain a great ally

Is that my nickname from now on? It sounds cool but it doesn't gain me any favor in this game.


Final-Fan said:
hatmoza said:
FF please don't name call, this is a game but I won't tolerate being called dumb.

You got one thing right, there are still roles to protect me, and most likely more cops or a deputy to take my place. If I had stayed quiet and died tonight. You would have lost my investigation for tonight and have never realized there was a prostitute in the game. I haven't made the best choices I know, but this way I can gain the WW and Mafia's atention and have them target me in hopes of being being snatched or abducted making up for our losses day one. Plus, we now have the prostitute to role block anti town assuming she is pro town like everyone suspects.

If I was anti town, I would have never role claimed mr smarty. But when you have both doctors and a bodyguard dead, you really are a dead man as soon as you find a guilty player.

You are wasting your time trying to prove I'm not a cop. Your 5 paragraph arguments are not going to help you this time. Just because I'm one of a very few actve players that is a little more talkative every game doesn't make me an anti town every single game.

Lets hope the prostitute can help us out this time, and lets shift this nonsense away from me this time FF as your really making a fool out of yourself, at least from my perspective.

You're making a lot more sense now than you were before, but it's not enough to make me unvote you.  

Largely because this still makes no sense to me.  Maybe you can explain it but right now I'm looking at this and it makes no sense as written.  

I actually forgot that I did the same thing to you last game and I was right.  It would be hilarious if I was wrong this time, despite having better reasons than last game.   

I think his reasoning here (though badly worded) is that if he were anti-town, he'd have little reason to fake roleclaim.  And I agree with him.  

Fake roleclaiming a cop only serves one of two purposes: 1. saving your skin at the last minute, or 2. saving someone else's skin by deeming them innocent.  Fake roleclaiming in the manner he has done serves no purpose whatsoever.  "Oh, I'm a cop.  And I can't do anything.  Sucks, amirite?"  There is no reason to pretend to be something like that. 

You guys are freaking out over nothing.


Forgot about a third reason to fake roleclaim a cop.  Similar to #2, you can claim falsely that others are guilty, guiding the mob to lynch somebody from an opposing faction.  Of course, if you lynch an innocent, you'll surely be lynched the next day.  Either way, fake roleclaiming to be a roleblocked cop serves nothing.]

Besides, there's something else to consider. Let's suppose that hatmoza is mafia. Obviously, he has supporters, thus, that means they would have planned this at night. Now, think of it through, if you could think at least ONE BIT, would you really make HATMOZA claim cop?????

Really, hatmoza, the one that has the track record of most fake claims and that everyone suspects??? It would be stupid. I'm sure in that mafia there would have been someone that could draw LESS suspicion

No, I'm more and more convinced of hatmoza being the real cop, and I'm suspecting more and more FF for suggesting he's mafia

Acevil said:
dsister44 said:

I agree with the evil guy.

Vote: Megaman .2.


If he is blocked agian then we know that the prostitute isn't on our side. If he isn't blocked then we gain a great ally

Is that my nickname from now on? It sounds cool but it doesn't gain me any favor in this game.

You should have thought about that before you signed up for VGChartz. "Will my username be used against in any mafia based forum games that I participate in?"

That's how I picked my name. The only thing that I could be accused of is being the prostitute

I would suspect Final-fan as well, if he hadn't come up with similarly half-baked theories last round too. He's paranoid.