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Forums - Sales Discussion - Worldwide Sales UP! -- PS3 UP, Wii UP!....Everyone does well!

^^heruamon, they already toke off $150 from the elite, what else can they do in one month?

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rafichamp said:
^^heruamon, they already toke off $150 from the elite, what else can they do in one month?

It was to have expired on the 6th of October...I suspect it will be back for the Holiday shopping season. 

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

Oh ! Look which console is last place (by far). The 360. Why am I not surprised ?

^^its still here in my Wal-Mart and I live in Canada

Black Friday is in 2 weeks...

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

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@heruamon, and you expect the 360 to beat PS3 in... anywhere?

heruamon said:
Black Friday is in 2 weeks...

I cant wait! I love black fridays, the excitement in sales..

heck I might end up getting Uncharted 2 lol who knows



So PS3 sales stabilized at 200k+ mark?
Well, i hoped it would do 250k+, but even 200k+ per week is around 1 mln. per month. Very good.
Next week Uncharted 2, we could see some boost in sales. But that we will know only after 2 weeks.

And Wii, looks like it`s glorious days are over for now, atleast till Christmas. Than we will see, how 50$ pricecut or actually 199$ price will work.

ZorroX said:
So PS3 sales stabilized at 200k+ mark?
Well, i hoped it would do 250k+, but even 200k+ per week ir around 1 mln. per month. Very good.
Next week Uncharted 2, we could see some boost in sales. But that we will know only after 2 weeks.

And Wii, looks like it`s glorious days are over for now, atleast till Christmas. Than we will see, how 50$ pricecut or actually 199$ price will work.

$199 is considered a console's sweet spot, every console this gen except the PS3 has hit that sweet spot, so WII should see MOST of its sales from that $199 price (or lower), and the 360 should also see most of its sales from that $199 price (or lower).



So far, in terms of sales, i see that both x360 and PS3 changed their places compared to last year.

In 2008 main x360 model, x360 pro reached 299$ price point, while PS3 just moved from 40GB to 80GB.
This year, main PS3 model reached 299$ price, while x360 model moved from 60GB to 120GB.

Sales so far are pretty much same, but i think PS3 will perform better than x360 last year(it already does, because of Slim model). Maybe x360 also will do a little bit better than PS3 last year too, but i`m not sure.
However, 199$ costing Wii could be a problem for both HD consoles in West during Christmas. In Japan, price for Wii was never a problem.