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Forums - Sales Discussion - Worldwide Sales UP! -- PS3 UP, Wii UP!....Everyone does well!

@Avinash, tell me when your console sells more then PS3 again in Japan, which should be about next generation. :)

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Anyways, back on topic, im pretty sure PS3 will get adjusted up for NA

rafichamp said:
@Avinash, tell me when your console sells more then PS3 again in Japan, which should be about next generation. :)

See you next week.

Awesome!  How the hell did the ps3 go up???  Wowzers.  Anyway, great week for all.  

Hopefully Uncharted will keep the ps3 sales elevated in America...I don't expect it to move many consoles since it's a sequel, but it can't hurt sales, thats for sure.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450

Looks like PS3 has stabilized. It will be interesting to see where Wii settles. I'm thinking they'll be close on Uncharted 2 launch week.

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DragonLord said:

Awesome!  How the hell did the ps3 go up???  Wowzers.  Anyway, great week for all.  

Hopefully Uncharted will keep the ps3 sales elevated in America...I don't expect it to move many consoles since it's a sequel, but it can't hurt sales, thats for sure.

people seem to be forgetting the best selling sports title EVER in europe, just released in Europe.

ph4nt said:
DragonLord said:

Awesome!  How the hell did the ps3 go up???  Wowzers.  Anyway, great week for all.  

Hopefully Uncharted will keep the ps3 sales elevated in America...I don't expect it to move many consoles since it's a sequel, but it can't hurt sales, thats for sure.

people seem to be forgetting the best selling sports title EVER in europe, just released in Europe.

which made NA sales increase how?


@ph4nt, ok lets see how much that game moves hardware.

The season is picking up...and it's going to be rocking and rolling...Not sure how the long the Wii party will last...looks like the PS3 party will last a while...360...not so much, but I'm sure M$ has something in store for the season...i suspect a highly publized rebate campaign to entice NA buyers to partake.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

--OkeyDokey-- said:
Looks like PS3 has stabilized. It will be interesting to see where Wii settles. I'm thinking they'll be close on Uncharted 2 launch week.

Yeah, both of these platforms will have some pretty compelling software releasing in that time period, but I really don't think the hardware bump will be as big as we think. WiiFit Plus, M&S at the Winter Games, and Uncharted 2 are all games that have already formed an audience through a previous game (WiiFit, Olympic Games, and Uncharted) on the system. I'm thinking that these games will have an effect like ODST (big SW sales, but selling to the established audience instead of making a new one) than a Halo 3 (a brand new audience looking for a new experience on that platform).

However, titles like NSMB and GT5, games that haven't been experienced yet on the platform, will be bigger HW boosters.

Either way, I'm curious to see the effect of WF+ next week.