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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo is gaming, Sony/Microsoft are questionable.

It's amazing how quick people forget what the PS1 and PS2 did for expanding gaming...

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what a surprise HD Fanboys didn't read the article properly they just looked at the name of the title .. anyway this article is true.

^ No, it contains half-truths and ignores other information that is important to see the whole picture. Like how when Sony entered the gaming industry, games were pre-dominantly perceived as being for children. When Sony entered they expanded the market to include teens and you adult males up to 35, who previosuly would only play games with their children.

Or the fact that during the PS2 days that SCE was making the vast majority of profit for the company, or how heavily both Sony and Microsoft have invested in gaming. If the games industry were to crash then both companies would have a lot to cry over.

Or that whilst expanding the games industry, a significant proportion of the market haven't been completely catered for on the Wii, with most traditional style 3rd-party offerings on the HD consoles.

So lets get this straight.

Nintendo completely ignores what gamers want for ten years, then releases a motion control stick and all of a sudden they are the true mecca of gaming? Or did you forget every system since the SNES flopping on it's face? I'm sorry, but I find it incredibly ironic that for two generations, the company basically reduced itself to a fan service machine while the other two companies basically carried gaming on their back to the audience that now appreciates and adores the pasttime, and now because the Wii has sold so well, we can forget the last ten years.

The PS1 and PS2 completely changed the way mature audiences view video games. The mere fact that Sony took a risk with the disk storage medium resulted in games as we know it today. Final Fantasy 7 would not have happened if there was just Nintendo in town (or at least without the FMV's, graphics, and content that you so dearly love).

Microsoft proved once and for all that competitive multiplayer online gaming can be had on consoles. Halo 2 pretty much wrote the book on it. Xbox live, for all its flaws , was around before the other networks and deserves the credit for it. Don't worry though, the gamecube network was a close second...oh wait?

Lastly, whomever wrote the article is a complete moron for the assumption that "Microsoft & Sony wouldn't care if they left the gaming world". Both companies have invested billions of dollars in the market, and have shown through continuous improvement that they in fact want to stay in the business.

If anything, I would turn the tables on Nintendo and accuse them of being the laziest this generation. I actually think they wouldn't seem to mind if they abandoned the console market; after all they pump more quality games onto the DS than the Wii anyway. Or did you forget that the number one console system is basically a gamecube with rave sticks? We are in 2009 and the best the thing can do is 480p? Has it really pushed for quality third party support? Where's its commitment to the future? They just made you pony up for "Wii motion +", and apparently are calling it a day in the realm of innovation. There is some great potential for the system, but there is also room for a whole lot of change.

But that's fine, keep playing Mario Galaxy on your high horse and making Sony + MS the villain.

Microsoft i believe definitely is questionable in this regard, in that it's widely known that the Xbox brand was originally conceived as a trojan horse to keep the PlayStation brand from ever becoming a threat to Microsoft's real bread-and-butter, the Windows brand. They also showed it because they clearly designed the original Xbox with 0 regard for profitability


They seem to care more, now, since the 360 corrected many of the original Xbox's errors, but still they haven't hesitated to pile on the deficit spending against certain problems (like the $1.5 billion set to fix RRoD), but i still don't know what they're really after.


Sony certainly sees gaming as integral to their business by now, i would say. Like others said, the PS2 was their main moneymaker back in the day, so they know well the benefits of holding the dominant gaming platform. They're going to prioritize it in the future.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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Hardcoregamer1989 said:
what a surprise HD Fanboys didn't read the article properly they just looked at the name of the title .. anyway this article is true.

No, I read the article. I just think itS BS. So two companies striving to constantly improve its game library, graphics, controls and online service are bad for gaming. Got it. 

As a hardcore gamer (unless your chat handle is incredibly sarcastic) , type with a straight fact that the Wii has delivered on your hopes.

lol ur funny, and full o' shit. i dont know if you have ever seen a movie in bluray but ther is no way i can ever watch a movie on dvd now, seriously sony took the biggest hit in taking an expensive technology and trying to make it more widely used, also with all the amount of money sony has in gaming technology there is no way they would abondon it, they created a free online service that actually works unlike nintendo wich is p2p and sucks, i was severely dissapointed in ssbb, it lagged online so bad, if anything they expanded the market by getting people who just wanted a bluray player into gaming

erm i dont mind people opinions and what not. Mine myself are questionable.

But why is this posted in the Nintendo section

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

amen dorbin2009, agree with ya 100%

Nintendo is an entertainment company that focuses in videogames. They do care about gaming because it feeds them

Sony and MS are just gadget factories. Great gadgets but only that.

That's the truth. Deal with it.