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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Hideo Kojima is a muscular man. Who knew ?

Kojima displays his guns - on kotaku

"Back when we interviewed Hideo Kojima at this year's Tokyo Game Show, Jin from Japanese blog My Game News Flash kept asking about Kojima's muscles.

Here's why. The game designer has been pumping iron.

But Kojima blogs that because of the Tokyo Game Show, he wasn't able to hit the gym that much. He gained 2 kilograms and lost muscle mass.

Still, check out those guns! Hideo Kojima will mess you up, yo. Baaaaaaaaaad."

comments by dowingba on kotaku (psycho stuff - extremely bad puns)

"Are those guns ID tagged ?"

"Now those are what I call Guns of the Patriots!

And then someone replies with "Ugh, those puns are Les Enfants Terrible!" and I say:

Dude! Don't be a Hayter!"



Around the Network

unless there's a would be sniper in that picture, I don't see any guns

phinch1 said:
unless there's a would be sniper in that picture, I don't see any guns

/thread Bravo. 

hes using too much nanomachines

reminds me of



Around the Network

i refuse to accept it is him since there is no pic with his face in it.

thats actually Kojima's secret identity, the Posing Kitten.


is he id tagged ? i would love to pet him for a while.

he has nanomachines inside to record all your stats, if you pet him he will steal your credit card number.


DIE ! evil kitten DIE !