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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who's rating system do you trust?

Where do you go to see the rating of your favorite games? I used to go to gamespot, but then stopped after they gave Metal Gear Solid and GTA4 a 10, but gave Halo Wars a 6.5 (I love and own all 3 games, but think wars is underrated for a RTS and think MGS and GTA4 are overrated btw). I visit IGN from time to time and recently ive been going to metacritic, but i find that ridiculous low scores kills the average, like ODST's 42/100 rating and Uncharted Drakes fortune 67/100. Thats just unacceptable. Who's rating system do u trust?

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gamespot to be frank

A mix of IGN, Gametrailers and Metacritic.

Metacritic is first, to see if the game has a decent score or not. Then I watch video reviews on IGN and Gametrailers to see why the game has gotten good scores and what the title is about. They usually line up pretty well with what I like. If there's a game you are interested in, you're pretty safe with the IGN video review for that game but Gametrailers is a good second opinion.

Even if a ridiculously low score brings down the average on meta, there are enough scores to compensate for it and at worst the average would be brought down by maybe 1 or 2 points. Not really something I worry about.


Mine. After that I look at gamerankings ad metacritic, dismiss anything from 'official' mags, etc. that looks too high, dismiss the attention getting low scores at the bottom and read a few reviews from the top, middle and lower end of the scores.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

Usually I go for IGN first, than when I have a feeling that the game is either overrated / underrated I check Eurogamer and Gamespot. For further reference I go to Meta / Grankings (but that is of lately). Good thing about IGN (and the reason I go there first) is the fact that they have probably the quickest reviews, decent qualitay and Jessica Chobot :).

MY HYPE LIST: 1) Gran Turismo 5; 2) Civilization V; 3) Starcraft II; 4) The Last Guardian; 5) Metal Gear Solid: Rising

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I still think IGN is pretty good but I also tend to look at a couple of the lower reviews on Metacritic too, to see why people didn't like it.

ign and gamespot are the only two I look at. they tend to feel the same way I do about games.

I'm not martin luther king. I don't have a dream. I have a plan

Sell a man a fish you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish you just ruined a perfect business opportunity.

We didn't emerge out of the stone age because we ran out of stones. Its time to be proactive not reactive.

I check 1Up, IGN and Gamespot - then re-check metacritic to see if a game is worth buying. You'll get some false positives always however (ex. Assassin's creed was way over-rated).

Gotta love Jessica Chobot by the way. She makes my 360 dashboard shine

puffy said:
A mix of IGN, Gametrailers and Metacritic.


Currently Playing: Mass Effect (360)

"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed" - Gandhi