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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Five reasons why Nintendo fans are the worst

RolStoppable said:

darth, that would have been more amusing, if you were Kantor. But it was still funny.

@Rath: Spanish plumber? I thought Mario was a communist. Maybe noname2200 still has the link to that website.

Spanish Communist?  I thought Mario was a cosplayer.

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RolStoppable said:

"The fans of which company are the worst" is a topic that just won't die here on VGC, it returns again and again. There are many reasons why a certain group of people is especially obnoxious, but so far our community couldn't reach common ground when it came to finding an answer to this question. But it actually isn't all that hard to figure out, so here are five excellent reasons why Nintendo fans are the worst:

1. They are arrogant - Nintendo fans seem to think that they have the right to ridicule other people simply because their company of choice got lucky with their Hail Mary pass a.k.a. the Wii. Using a motion controller and applying duct tape to a new use are praised as being great innovations while serious gaming is shoved to the side. One can only hope that their arrogance will come back and bite them in the ass once they realise that casual games are all that they are going to get from Nintendo in the future.

2. They argue over the same thing for three weeks or more - Whenever a hardcore game bombs on the Wii (i.e. whenever one comes out, so twice a year), Nintendo fans go in denial mode. They will tell you everything about low development costs, lack of marketing, biased reviews and whatever else. They are so blinded by their bias that they don't even realize that the games they are defending aren't even good (meaning not worth defending) in the first place.

3. They hate all FPS which aren't on the Wii - Nintendo fans regularly bash FPS on the HD consoles and call them generic, but it's pretty obvious that they would like to play those games and envy 360 and PS3 owners for getting titles of such high quality. Pretending that they enjoy The Conduit, a game from a former shovelware developer, certainly doesn't help their credibility either.

4. They accuse every HD console owner of being a graphics whore - Obviously anyone who dares to like the 360 or PS3 (or both) more than the Wii has to be a graphics whore who doesn't care for gameplay. It definitely has nothing to do with the fact that the HD consoles are getting games which the Wii doesn't get, a better online experience or that the vast majority of Wii games are garbage. Not everyone likes Nintendo games, just like not everyone likes Halo or Gran Turismo, yet this seems to be unacceptable for Nintendo fans.

5. RolStoppable - Last, but not least (actually he is probably the main reason why Nintendo fans are the worst), Rol causes trouble whenever he posts. He's the creator of many infamous threads like "The PlayStation brand is kiddy", "How Sony and Microsoft are killing hardcore gaming" and sometimes he even writes countdowns with the sole purpose of putting Nintendo systems or games on the top.



This thread was inspired by BladeOfGod.

You just made my day!

offcourse I hate the HD console FPS, but that is because I am a UT fan on PC.

jks aside KZ2 blew me away. So the consoles can do decent FPS.



Snesboy said:
RolStoppable said:

"The fans of which company are the worst" is a topic that just won't die here on VGC, it returns again and again. There are many reasons why a certain group of people is especially obnoxious, but so far our community couldn't reach common ground when it came to finding an answer to this question. But it actually isn't all that hard to figure out, so here are five excellent reasons why Nintendo fans are the worst:

1. They are arrogant - Nintendo fans seem to think that they have the right to ridicule other people simply because their company of choice got lucky with their Hail Mary pass a.k.a. the Wii. Using a motion controller and applying duct tape to a new use are praised as being great innovations while serious gaming is shoved to the side. One can only hope that their arrogance will come back and bite them in the ass once they realise that casual games are all that they are going to get from Nintendo in the future.

2. They argue over the same thing for three weeks or more - Whenever a hardcore game bombs on the Wii (i.e. whenever one comes out, so twice a year), Nintendo fans go in denial mode. They will tell you everything about low development costs, lack of marketing, biased reviews and whatever else. They are so blinded by their bias that they don't even realize that the games they are defending aren't even good (meaning not worth defending) in the first place.

3. They hate all FPS which aren't on the Wii - Nintendo fans regularly bash FPS on the HD consoles and call them generic, but it's pretty obvious that they would like to play those games and envy 360 and PS3 owners for getting titles of such high quality. Pretending that they enjoy The Conduit, a game from a former shovelware developer, certainly doesn't help their credibility either.

4. They accuse every HD console owner of being a graphics whore - Obviously anyone who dares to like the 360 or PS3 (or both) more than the Wii has to be a graphics whore who doesn't care for gameplay. It definitely has nothing to do with the fact that the HD consoles are getting games which the Wii doesn't get, a better online experience or that the vast majority of Wii games are garbage. Not everyone likes Nintendo games, just like not everyone likes Halo or Gran Turismo, yet this seems to be unacceptable for Nintendo fans.

5. RolStoppable - Last, but not least (actually he is probably the main reason why Nintendo fans are the worst), Rol causes trouble whenever he posts. He's the creator of many infamous threads like "The PlayStation brand is kiddy", "How Sony and Microsoft are killing hardcore gaming" and sometimes he even writes countdowns with the sole purpose of putting Nintendo systems or games on the top.



This thread was inspired by BladeOfGod.

You just made my day!

I hope you're not trying to get rol to vote for you

theprof00 said:

I hope you're not trying to get rol to vote for you

Vote for me for what?

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It's really funny. I totally agree with 2 and 3.

close my man, just not close enough. it's interesting to think about why we do what we do. keep posting dude, they're always fun to read whether or not i agree with ur threads.

i agree with 1-3

gansito said:
i agree with 1-3

All fanboys are arrogant.

Thread... this... response.... doesn't..... sense... makes... deserves... one... that!

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