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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN editor: No worthwhile Wii games have released since 2007.

It's not an opinion. It's just spouting off generalizations and pretending it's an opinion as a shield.

If I did this for the Metal Gear series, I would rightly be criticized for it.

And for those mentioning others agreeing with him, that doesn't make him right. It just means he's preaching to the choir.

Don't think Nintendo fans just blindly agree with pro Wii opinions, because a lot of major Wii advocates get disagreements from these fans.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

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NKAJ said:
thats his opinion,hes allowed it

And the people posting here are allowed their opinion. Just because you happen to disagree with their opinion does not make it any less valid. Funny how that argument runs itself in a circle, eh?

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Gnizmo said:
NKAJ said:
thats his opinion,hes allowed it

And the people posting here are allowed their opinion. Just because you happen to disagree with their opinion does not make it any less valid. Funny how that argument runs itself in a circle, eh?

i didnt look an any posts so i dont know people s opinions.yes thats why im not going to disagree with your statement

"They will know heghan belongs to the helghast"

"England expects that everyman will do his duty"

"we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender"


Smeags said:
On my Facebook last night, I wrote a status update about how the Wii is now only priced about $100 more than it's actually worth to the consumer.

*Looks at hardware sales*

I think this is true not only based on its incredibly outdated tech and overall backwards-as-hell design, but also due to the fact that not a single, solitary game worth truly noting has come out in nearly two years. And that, my friends, is pathetic.

*Looks at software sales*

Well... I mean... good for him?

Smeags won the thread with this post right here.

amp316 said:
I don't agree with a lot of it, but the man's entitled to his opinion. I just question IGN publishing something from a blog. Are their writer's too scared to write something like this themselves if this is the way that they feel?

It's just scary that, if this is the general sentiment going around IGN, the review scores will reflect it.  I'm glad Daemon is off the Nintendo team - it's not hard to see why he scored ToS2 a 6.7 after his little Wii-hate tyraid.

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As an EIC for a video game network myself I find it very idiotic to have an editor writing for a console he/she does not enjoy.

That to me if more ridiculous than his blog entry itself.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

@ Lord

Sorry, I still don't understand your point regarding The Conduit bombing. Please clarify.

PSN - hanafuda

Kenology said:
amp316 said:
I don't agree with a lot of it, but the man's entitled to his opinion. I just question IGN publishing something from a blog. Are their writer's too scared to write something like this themselves if this is the way that they feel?

It's just scary that, if this is the general sentiment going around IGN, the review scores will reflect it.  I'm glad Daemon is off the Nintendo team - it's not hard to see why he scored ToS2 a 6.7 after his little Wii-hate tyraid.

Indeed. The thought of almost all high tier IGN writers thinking like this is a scary one.


"Sorry, I still don't understand your point regarding The Conduit bombing. Please clarify."

You still thinking it bombed really does mean you don't understand.

The Conduit would have to cost several million to lose money at the sales it has (so far, since it's only been out for three months). It's a Wii game, by a developer known for keeping games in budget. It's very unlikely it cost more than a few million. Hence it most likely made money.

Unless you are defining "bomb" by selling less than the userbase somehow makes it seem it should. In which case, that is not what the entertainment industry considers a bomb.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

LordTheNightKnight said:
Kuro_Neko_13 said:
i bet this guy has an iphone or itouch and just loves it to death, even though it has crappy games that are for "teh casualz", & no good real games

Yeah, standards are not about logic for these people.

then why the fuck are they getting paid?