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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN editor: No worthwhile Wii games have released since 2007.

big_boss said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
Ignoring the games recently released or to the Wii in the next few months is ignorant agreement.

Why is that? The Wii's lineup IMO is weak coming into the holidays compared to the 360 and PS3. Nintendo's lucky Bioshock 2, Alpha Protocol, Red Dead Redemption, and many others got delayed because those games, L4D2 ( which I forgot, sorry 360/PC owners) and the others I mentioned combined would have made the Wii lineup look even weaker.

"IMO" does not mean the releases get to be discounted. IMO, Metal Gear is not that good a series, but I would be a fool to discount it.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

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hahahaha i laugh at all the wii fanboys,

this article is unnecessary but hes right....wii sucks, specually comparing it to the cube, 64 and the godly snes

@ LordknightNight

So The Conduit bombed because it doesn't have mass appeal? By mass appeal I think you mean that it doesn't appeal to the Wii user base.

You spend waaaay too much time defending the Wii. Must be like a full-time job for you.

PSN - hanafuda

hanafuda said:
@ LordknightNight

So The Conduit bombed because it doesn't have mass appeal? By mass appeal I think you mean that it doesn't appeal to the Wii user base.

You spend waaaay too much time defending the Wii. Must be like a full-time job for you.

Have somebody considered that the game is just average at best and it's only famous because certain page hyped it as "Teh hadrcore title for Wii"????

"So The Conduit bombed because it doesn't have mass appeal?"

No, it didn't bomb. It would have to cost more than Red Steel to bomb with those sales. You shouldn't forget Wii games don't cost as much as HD games.

"By mass appeal I think you mean that it doesn't appeal to the Wii user base."

No, you are pretending I'm meaning that, because I clearly mentioned it wouldn't sell well on the HD systems, and mentioned hit games that did have mass appeal, that are NOT on the Wii, so my comment clearly didn't mean mass appeal in terms of the Wii user base.

Try actually reading all my comments, not just assuming my meaning from selective quoting.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

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@ alfred

Sure, but plenty of average at best FPSs on the HD systems sell way more than 260K.

PSN - hanafuda

Am I the only one not worried about some flame bate from an elitist HD gaming tool?

Just imagine what this guy would have said about the Dreamcast last gen... his opinion counts for dick, unless your looking to troll Wii fanboys.

And when did anyone start listening to IGN editors by the bye?

psrock said:
Kantor said:
If you think about it, other than the thing about the Wii being overpriced by $100, and the Wii having no games since 2007, he's actually right.

You are wrong, very wrong. Yes, the Wii had a horrible late 2008 game wise, but its still contained more games than the other consoles. If you look at this holiday season, the Wii actually have a better lineup than the PS3.

What games are releasing?

I thought the big titles were New Super Mario Brothers Wii and Wii Fit Plus were the only titles left? What else is releasing?

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

"Sure, but plenty of average at best FPSs on the HD systems sell way more than 260K."

I'd actually like to see a list. And it had best take into account those that have been out far longer than The Conduit.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

@ Lord

If your comment didn't mean mass appeal of the Wii user base, what the hell did it mean??

Army of Two on 360. Average at best shooter. 1.5 million copies sold...

PSN - hanafuda