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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which should I buy? A PS3 or XBOX 360?


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lhill8181 said:

get a ps3, way more reliable, bluray, wifi, internet browser, true 1080p, not upscaling like 360, i have both ps3 and 360, but if i could only have one, hands down ps3,  infamous, drakes fortune1, uncharted 2, killzone 2, little big planet, res 1 and 2,  god of war 1,2 and 3, MAG, ratchett and clank, heavy rain, final fantacy 14, dantes inferno, gt5,  these are all great ps3 exclusives, 360 has halo, i bought the new odst its good, but im really getting board with halo, its all the same, enemies, guns , everything 4 games the same, 360 has gears of war, good game, all in all i think the ps3 has the better games, better graphics, you will see games looking better and better with ps3, 360 close to maxed out, also with some of these games you will have 3-4 discs with 360 , ps3 you have 1. psn is just as good as live, i have both and use them daily, and psn is free, it sucks to pay for internet twice. natal, is not going too be that big for fps, and adventure games, so i could care less about project natal. if anyone felt like i was trolling , sorry not trying to, this is just my opinion, if you dont agree, its cool, to each is own, really if you a true gamer you need both systems, because both have great games, if you could only have one, this is my opinion, good luck

True 1080p is not an opinion. It's just wrong

But something is true: "not upscaling like 360". Which is certainly not an advantage for PS3 owners, cause many PS3 games don't even support a 1080p mode.

wow.. if this thread keeps up this pace and vg$ would be real money, you could buy both system from this thread alone ..

*must resist making thread to ask random people random stuff*

radiantshadow92 said:


True, that guy makes some good points, but wow.  I watched a few of those vids he made and holy shit.  I hope I don't sound like that when I'm talking about games!!  Look at the passion in his eyes when he talks about the PS3!  I'm going to show this video to my co-workers!

There's a nice console called... Life. Get it.

/bad joke.

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get the triple

It really depends on your tastes. The PS3 and Xbox 360 are like the SNES and Sega Genesis of this gen. If you own either one to be honest, you can't really go wrong.

I got a 360 this spring because..

1) when you take into account the opinions of reviewers and the gaming community, the Xbox 360 has the stronger software lineup (look at metacritic and compare the number of AAA's, AA's, A's, etc., the high attach rates, xbox live arcade`s quality lineup, 360 having a history of better multi-plats due to the difficulty of programming for the PS3, 360 all-time software sales being almost caught up to the wii despite having an inferior install base.) And yes I know that we all have different tastes but I do read reviews and take them account when I buy games so I don't see why I shouldn't look at game reviews when selecting a console.

2) I noticed that second-hand 360 games tend to be cheaper than second-hand PS3 games on ebay, amazon, etc. (considering that I'm a bargain-hunter and I only bought 2 full priced new releases, that's important to me) It doesn`t surprise me that 360 games are cheaper used considering that in the Americas the 360 sold a lot more software and when you have more software in circulation, the prices in the resale market are naturally going to be low. Software is the single largest expense when owning a console (unless you pirate, which would make the 360 even cheaper compared to PS3! lol) so software prices matter.

3) I'm not big into PC gaming. I own a laptop that can do everything I need it for besides maybe top-of-the-line gaming and there's no way I'm building a rig seperately solely for the purpose of gaming (not to mention, all the upgrades you gotta do along the way). And console-wise, the Xbox has a lot more PC games in addition to their true exclusives (and lots of times, the Xbox version of a game will be out much earlier). So if I can't run a particular PC game, I can just play the Xbox version. And given how I hate troubleshooting PC games and what not, I'd much rather the convenience of playing the Xbox version even if it can run on my laptop. My laptop`s GPU isn`t exactly a world beater anyway so why go for the less convenient option if I probably won`t get much more performance, if at all, out of the PC version? The PS3 console exclusives (as in PS3/PC multiplat but no 360 version) seem to be mostly MMOs and I hate MMOs.

If you are going to look at price alone (hardware wise at least) then yes the PS3 is better. Both consoles are at $300 but you get free online (though PSN is not as good) and you don`t have to buy rechargeable kits or batteries with the PS3. Software wise, most would say that that the 360 has the advantage there. I don`t consider Blu-Ray to be much of an advantage with the PS3 because you`ll want to save your PS3`s laser for games anyway. The Playstation brand is infamous for weak lasers and it was stupid of me to play all those DVD videos on my PS2. Luckily the drive didn`t burn out. If your blu-ray drive gives out on you, you`re going to have to pay $150+ to Sony to fix it for you after the standard warranty. At least with the 360 you get three years coverage for RRoD and e74 and you can always just buy an Arcade and snap in your old HDD if you really need a new Xbox. Standalone blu-ray players are cheaper these days so you might as well buy those if you really want to watch blu-rays. I wouldn`t recommend using your Xbox to play DVD videos either. DVD players are dirt cheap.

^ Didn't read the part where he said he was in Australia I see? And listed the different (higher) prices?

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 


you won't regret it.299 for everything.

natal doesn't even have a release it might just end up being smoke and mirrors.

did i mention that Gt5 and GOD of war 3 are around the corner?so is FFVXIII and FFXIV(only on PS3)




d21lewis said:
Puffy, buy a Dreamcast. My opinion is right. Everyone else is wrong. You don't have an opinion.


well PS3 is getting some Dream cast games aswell .So if he gets a PS3 ,dreamcast is covered ;)