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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which should I buy? A PS3 or XBOX 360?


Bluetooth Controllers with integrated rechargeable batteries and motion control
By far more reliable
Free online
Real D-Pad on controller (if you want to play fighting games, this is a must)
Games are all on Blu-ray (no disk swapping)
More powerful CPU
Better interface
Uses standard laptop sized hard drives for easy upgradability


none of the above

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Look at all the released footage of Uncharted 2, and read all of that game's early reviews, and that will convince you that PS3 is the way to go.

I think if someone gives a clear answer they will be banned.. its the reason I see so much confusion in these posts..



360 due to the SHEER amount of games available for it both old and new.

And how about all these great double acts.............. 

2 Gears of war games, 2 Forzas, 2 Condemneds, 2 Project Gotham Racings, 2 Halos, 2 Saints Rows, 2 Dead risings (Well, when Rising 2 hits early next year), 2 Crackdowns (Again from early next year), 2 Left 4 Deads (the ban in Aus will get lifted)

Plus great games on the way like Splinter cell: Conviction, Alan wake, Fable III and so on.

And XBLA is second to none in the arcade department (A new game released every week GUARANTEED, sometimes 2 or 3 games a week)

Purely from a games point of view 360 easily wins.



Infinity said:

Bluetooth Controllers with integrated rechargeable batteries and motion control
By far more reliable
Free online
Real D-Pad on controller (if you want to play fighting games, this is a must)
Games are all on Blu-ray (no disk swapping)
More powerful CPU
Better interface
Uses standard laptop sized hard drives for easy upgradability


none of the above

I would like to add compatible with Bluetooth head sets and usb keyboards to the list as well


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hmm ps3.
and wand its the same as the wii, just 1-1.

I'd say PS3

because of a lot of potentially great exclusives in the future (gran turismo 5, FF versus XIII, Resistance 2, the agency, God of war 3, White Knight Chronicles, Uncharted 2, etc)

and the awesome exclusives now (uncharted, killzone 2, mgs4, ratchet & clank, Little big Planet, Infamous, Wipeout, Demon's Souls, etc)

It's also getting some good Jrpg's coming now and in the future if your into those

then there's also the free online gaming, good reliability, wifi and the blu-ray playing capability

I would get a PS3.

Why? Sony's very large amount of 1st party support, not to mention 2nd and 3rd party support.

Plus it gets 3D Dot Game Heroes.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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Puffy, buy a Dreamcast. My opinion is right. Everyone else is wrong. You don't have an opinion.
