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Forums - General Discussion - Death Note Game Thread

TruckOSaurus said:
As it would be very stupid for Kira (Light) to attract as much attention as Gnizmo did, I don't believe Gnizmo is Kira at all.

Vote : Zexen

On the contrary, if he's Kira it's a great plan. He attracs attention enough to warrant an investigation, while leading us to people he thinks are suspects, when L investigates him he appears as innocent, thus being protected (think of it like in the last game, when I cleared up people, everyone acknowledged the possibility of them being Godfathers, but everyone also decided to assume they were innocents).


Though, it's hard to say, when L hasn't said a single word at all....


Gnizmo said:

There is plenty for you to post. I asked you a ton of questions that deserve answers. You are being extremely inconsistent, and acting odd compared to past games. Please explain those. Your reasons for me are extremely weak as well. I can't understand why anyone else seems to want to side with you as you have given preecisely zero solid reasoning to back your argument.

Zero reasoning? You jumped on day 2 with the "the mafia are trying to frame me!!" when I don't think anyone could have even tried to make that connection

You framed AngelFire without any base but that "he suggested a no lynch", while it's likely that he's a new guy in the game and thus doesn't know perfectly well what's benefitial and what's not.

And yes, I piled up on both votes. Why? It would have made me appear as a Kira supporter. Given that we won't know the role after someone's lynched, the townies lynch someone out of blind faith, and they don't realize what they've voted after the night's over. Only the Kira know what they do. If I hadn't piled on AngelFire, it would have been an excellent way to frame me, "zexen didn't vote on AF, since I think AF was a Kira, then zexen is probably the same". Leaves not much choice for the townies to do

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zexen_lowe said:

Zero reasoning? You jumped on day 2 with the "the mafia are trying to frame me!!" when I don't think anyone could have even tried to make that connection

You framed AngelFire without any base but that "he suggested a no lynch", while it's likely that he's a new guy in the game and thus doesn't know perfectly well what's benefitial and what's not.

And yes, I piled up on both votes. Why? It would have made me appear as a Kira supporter. Given that we won't know the role after someone's lynched, the townies lynch someone out of blind faith, and they don't realize what they've voted after the night's over. Only the Kira know what they do. If I hadn't piled on AngelFire, it would have been an excellent way to frame me, "zexen didn't vote on AF, since I think AF was a Kira, then zexen is probably the same". Leaves not much choice for the townies to do

Now you have a problem with my framing theory? 2 days later? Please. Even if it wasn't real, there was a need to assert something to keep my innocence a sure thing. Angelfire jumped on it which is suspicious to me. You voted for him third as I recall, so there was no dog pile to jump on yet. Had you gone the other way no one would have second guessed it. All the Angelfire reasoning is nonsense and you know it. No lynch on day two is suicide for the town. I am pretty sure you have posted as much in previous games. Terrible defense now that we have some experienced players joining.

You will also notice how Scifiboy wasn't "framed" the way you claim he would be. Hell, I gave him every chance in the world before voting for him. Random voting will never win it for the town. Well, thats not true. There is a chance you nab the right one, but since no one will follow you then it is worthless. I thought he might be the cop, but he declined that role claim. I suspect you would appear innocent anyways, if you follow. So thats your, what, fourth defense that makes no sense?

Again I ask why is it so easy to revenge vote me now? Why were you so "hesitant" with Scifiboy, and so eager now? What have I done to make it look like I was Kira? Why do you want L to come forward anyways? Best to keep him in the shadows until we have at least one confirmed Kira Klan member. His life will essentially be over when he role claims.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

On the contrary, if he's Kira it's a great plan. He attracs attention enough to warrant an investigation, while leading us to people he thinks are suspects, when L investigates him he appears as innocent, thus being protected (think of it like in the last game, when I cleared up people, everyone acknowledged the possibility of them being Godfathers, but everyone also decided to assume they were innocents).

Though, it's hard to say, when L hasn't said a single word at all....

I agree that it would be a great plan if there was a lot of people talking and diverting attention but as the game stands he's about to get arrested on the third day... When you know that your arrest will end the game in a loss for your team, that's a pretty big risk to take don't you think?

On the other hand, I'm not entirely convinced you're Kira so for now I'll unvote you since I think this day could be more active and provide us with more information.

Unvote : zexen

Signature goes here!

i think the best solution is a zexen vs Gnizmo death match.

cos zexen's argument seems to be swaying me now.. i feel like a yoyo D:

im very unhelpful in this game.

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.

Have i already voted to lynch Gnizmo? If Gnizmo isn't Kira then I think we should go after Zexen

Vote: Gnizmo

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trashleg is unhelpful!!! Let's lynch her!
Joking of course

Signature goes here!

*nervous chuckle*


it does seem to have come down to a battle between zexen and Gnizmo though, i mean what about all the other players??? i know that i, for one, am a regular folk. what about everyone else???

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.

Ok well we know for certain L has likely investigated me right? I have a proposition then. I cam up innocent for certain. This is because I am a townsfolk. Currently there is a back and forth between me and Zexen. He will be invetigated tonight at the latest. He may have already been just due to experience. If he comes up innocent that means he is either Kira or a townie.

So, in order to keep this game going and win it for the town I suggest a double lynch. After I am dead, and the game continues my innocence will be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. I will leave a list of people I think are acting suspicious, and I recommend zexen do the same. That way our deaths will not completely remove us if we are innocent.

If we are, I admit this puts the town in a bad way. If not, we should be fine. If zexen is Kira/Kira Klan then it goes to 2 - 6 with L and doctor still in play. We have dsister as a prime suspect only due to circumstantial evidence. Invisible is acting the exact same way she did when she was mafia with me last game. She might always play like this though. Others will have to speak to that.

So, double lynch and I suspect this will be the last day. Town can win this either way, so no one should really be against it.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

dsister44 said:
Have i already voted to lynch Gnizmo? If Gnizmo isn't Kira then I think we should go after Zexen

Vote: Gnizmo

Get us both today then. You don't have to trust me entirely. Just trust that if I am Kira Klan at all I have to be Kira himself. This way I prove my innocence, and zexen's probable guilt.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

trashleg said:
*nervous chuckle*


it does seem to have come down to a battle between zexen and Gnizmo though, i mean what about all the other players??? i know that i, for one, am a regular folk. what about everyone else???

Everyone else is extremely quiet. dsister inherited a shitty position so is kinda suspect. Invisible is acting suspiciously like she did in 6A, but she might always act like that. No one else has said enough to comment.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229