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Ok well we know for certain L has likely investigated me right? I have a proposition then. I cam up innocent for certain. This is because I am a townsfolk. Currently there is a back and forth between me and Zexen. He will be invetigated tonight at the latest. He may have already been just due to experience. If he comes up innocent that means he is either Kira or a townie.

So, in order to keep this game going and win it for the town I suggest a double lynch. After I am dead, and the game continues my innocence will be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. I will leave a list of people I think are acting suspicious, and I recommend zexen do the same. That way our deaths will not completely remove us if we are innocent.

If we are, I admit this puts the town in a bad way. If not, we should be fine. If zexen is Kira/Kira Klan then it goes to 2 - 6 with L and doctor still in play. We have dsister as a prime suspect only due to circumstantial evidence. Invisible is acting the exact same way she did when she was mafia with me last game. She might always play like this though. Others will have to speak to that.

So, double lynch and I suspect this will be the last day. Town can win this either way, so no one should really be against it.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229