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zexen_lowe said:

Zero reasoning? You jumped on day 2 with the "the mafia are trying to frame me!!" when I don't think anyone could have even tried to make that connection

You framed AngelFire without any base but that "he suggested a no lynch", while it's likely that he's a new guy in the game and thus doesn't know perfectly well what's benefitial and what's not.

And yes, I piled up on both votes. Why? It would have made me appear as a Kira supporter. Given that we won't know the role after someone's lynched, the townies lynch someone out of blind faith, and they don't realize what they've voted after the night's over. Only the Kira know what they do. If I hadn't piled on AngelFire, it would have been an excellent way to frame me, "zexen didn't vote on AF, since I think AF was a Kira, then zexen is probably the same". Leaves not much choice for the townies to do

Now you have a problem with my framing theory? 2 days later? Please. Even if it wasn't real, there was a need to assert something to keep my innocence a sure thing. Angelfire jumped on it which is suspicious to me. You voted for him third as I recall, so there was no dog pile to jump on yet. Had you gone the other way no one would have second guessed it. All the Angelfire reasoning is nonsense and you know it. No lynch on day two is suicide for the town. I am pretty sure you have posted as much in previous games. Terrible defense now that we have some experienced players joining.

You will also notice how Scifiboy wasn't "framed" the way you claim he would be. Hell, I gave him every chance in the world before voting for him. Random voting will never win it for the town. Well, thats not true. There is a chance you nab the right one, but since no one will follow you then it is worthless. I thought he might be the cop, but he declined that role claim. I suspect you would appear innocent anyways, if you follow. So thats your, what, fourth defense that makes no sense?

Again I ask why is it so easy to revenge vote me now? Why were you so "hesitant" with Scifiboy, and so eager now? What have I done to make it look like I was Kira? Why do you want L to come forward anyways? Best to keep him in the shadows until we have at least one confirmed Kira Klan member. His life will essentially be over when he role claims.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229