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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 5A - Game Thread

Wow, this has been a long day, wish I was still in the game

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nen-suer said:

dont forget i was the first to vote trashleg, but Son1x actions made me change my vote (and fast)

if he kept his mouth shut trashleg would have been lynched loong time ago

but i was LUCKY he posted after me..

am going offline a bit too

wow plz to end the day till invisible and trashleg get back

Now you are going to lie? this is your vote, 23:13 GMT and this is my vote, 21:47 GMT, the same day.

And why aren't you still voting for her? I'll tell you why, because that would get her lynched and you don't want your fellow mafias lynched.


Why are you so eager to end before invisible and trash come online? Are you afraid invisible might finaly realize the truth?


"And yet, I've realized that maybe living a "decent" life means you won't ever have a "good" life."


Well I'm off for some time as well then. Grandia time ^^
I'll be back... I'm not sure when though. I'm playing The Conduit with fellow VGChartz members from 9-11pm GMT so I won't be posting in that time. I'll check the thread before that and probably return some time after it ends.

"And yet, I've realized that maybe living a "decent" life means you won't ever have a "good" life."


I come back and everybody leaves.

I see this as becoming a really long day.

And finally @Nen-suer my name is dsister

dsister44 said:
I come back and everybody leaves.

I see this as becoming a really long day.

And finally @Nen-suer my name is dsister

lol, sorry dsister44

ok, plz help me here

can you give me your analysis

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Son1x said:
nen-suer said:

Now you are going to lie? this is your vote, 23:13 GMT and this is my vote, 21:47 GMT, the same day.

And why aren't you still voting for her? I'll tell you why, because that would get her lynched and you don't want your fellow mafias lynched.


Why are you so eager to end before invisible and trash come online? Are you afraid invisible might finaly realize the truth?


i meant my vote for trashleg had stronger impact

even FF who was suspicious decide to vote her

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Ok, I see it like this. There are two mafia members left. I am thinking Final-fan and Invisible are innocent. So that just leaves you,trashleg,Son1x. And since you and trashleg are seemingly trying to team up and get Son1x lynched. I am thinking that you and trashleg are the mafia.

Though if I am wrong about there being two mafia. Then another innocent person is going to die.

I am also suspecting you because you seemed so adamant about Carl back on day 2

dsister44 said:
Ok, I see it like this. There are two mafia members left. I am thinking Final-fan and Invisible are innocent. So that just leaves you,trashleg,Son1x. And since you and trashleg are seemingly trying to team up and get Son1x lynched. I am thinking that you and trashleg are the mafia.

Though if I am wrong about there being two mafia. Then another innocent person is going to die.

I am also suspecting you because you seemed so adamant about Carl back on day 2

Carl and hatmoza btw

but then again we all did, he was voted by almost all of us...

i wasn't sure about  the 3 mafia theory...

but now it maybe true

i wasnt suspecting Son1x until he came too hard after trashleg (and me) without a real evidence

its like he is making me and trashleg defend each other (an looking like mafia along the way).....

i will say it again Sabby trusted me all i ask of you is to trust me too..

ok, between trashlegn, Final-Fan and Son1x who do u suspect and why?

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Ok, I do have to admit Carl didn't do himself any favors. But as I said it a couple of posts ago. Everybody was really suspicous of me on the first day.

And if Son1x was in the mafia he could of very easily turned people against me and gotten me lynched. Instead though he tried to help me.

Final-Fan hasn't posted enough that I would suspect him. I really wish everyone would be like us and have no lives (no offense of course)

Trashleg just seems to me to be really suspicous to me. She is throwing out wild accusations. And just seems to be rather defensive.

im back, and my god what a day, lol.

the roleclaiming thing was stupid. i've just been working alone trying to trip people up so i can figure out their flaws.. come on, if i was mafia i wouldn't have been so st00pid. lol.

im glad i didn't live in england in the 17th century, lol.

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.